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The ongoing recent comments issue

For about two months PDD has been having problems with its “Recent Comments” feature — the menu item that highlights which posts have new comments you might not have read.

This week we installed a new plugin for Recent Comments that we hoped would be better, but unfortunately it isn’t.

Where in Duluth?


Another installment of the exciting game in which the person who is the first to identify where the photo was shot is the winner of great dignity and respect.

Pasture-raised Spring Chickens

The Twin Ports is great, but it’s lacked something – a commercial source of local, pasture-raised meat birds. We heard your cry.

Locally Laid egg company is expanding into spring chickens (it’s kind of a grand experiment – wait, it’s all an experiment). Interested? Here’s a link to reserve your bird or more info here.

Thanks Community of Real Food Eaters. You’re the best.


This is Wildwoods’ third grebe in two days!

Sustainability Event at UMD: One World, One Environment

OWOE was a collaborative event bringing together UMD students, faculty, staff, and community members to explore and discuss issues connected to our plantet. Photos below.

Daredevils @ World Championship

The Duluth East Daredevils are at the FIRST World Championship in St. Louis, and are ranked 5th going into the second day of qualification matches. Robots!

Free Jim Carlson

Image and stickers available courtesy of your friends Bratwurst.

21st Century Feminism in the Twin Ports

So I occupy an odd position in my academic home — a department in which seven of nine faculty are men, but seven of ten undergraduate majors and graduate students are women.

Looking for candid digital photographers

I’m looking for a few contacts who would be interested in coming to Spirit Mountain on Friday, Oct. 11 to photograph candid photos of my wedding reception.

I’m trying to get contacts of people who live in Duluth who may be interested in finding freelance photography work. The pay is $20/hour.

Home to share

If you are a person who can share a home and share a kitchen, this might be the greatest place. Six-hundred-plus square feet — entire second floor — with shared kitchen and bath. Beautiful views, off-street parking. Asking $500/month. Includes Wi-Fi and all utilities. Already one dog and two cats in residence.

Spike, Dakota and Friends of Wildwoods at Blue Lake

Fox21 tells the story:

DULUTH – Some Northlanders celebrated Earth Day, one day early on Sunday, by raising money for Wildwoods. Art for Our Wildwoods kicked off at the Blue Lake Gallery in Canal Park donating 20 percent of the Gallery’s proceeds to the rehabilitation center. “We rescue injured wildlife including lead-poisoned eagles, animals hit by cars, window strikes and we’re also here to educate the public on wildlife issues,” Erica Erickson, vice-chair of the Wildwoods board, said. The event also featured three special guests, a red-tailed hawk, a porcupine and a hognose snake.

The event would not have been possible without the contributions from The Cupcake Lady, Positively Third Street Bakery, Townsquare Media (our radio partners KOOL 101.7), our silent auction partners Applebees, Duluth Grill, Grandma’s, and Cantonese House. Thanks, too, to the immensely hard-working volunteers.

A cautionary tale for Duluth collectives?

Recently in Minneapolis, the Sisters’ Camelot collective faced restrictions in its ability to canvass for donations as the group was no longer listed as a registered nonprofit or charity in Minnesota. It has been told to cease fundraising efforts with a potential $25,000 fine per fund solicitation. The canvass workers unionized and have been calling for collective organizers to step down to restructure in the wake of the mishandling of the collective.

Re-Nesting the Owlet

Wildwoods got a call about baby owls on the ground …

Publishing Conference that Was Rescheduled and Rearranged

David Wong addresses 40 people at UMD

David Wong addresses 40 people at UMD

Architect, author or urban ecologist David Wong of Vancouver BC extended his stay through Monday.

Downer Movie and Dietary Rethinking

Hey, Zinema. Leviathan was a total downer.