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Lost dog in Congdon Park

Small Papillon Pomeranian mix black-and-white dog ran off around 6 p.m. on Friday, June 14, in the Congdon Park area — Hawthorne Road and East Second St. She was wearing a pink collar and is chipped. She answers to the name Chloe. Please email me: kourtz at juno dot com with any information. Thanks so much!

Wildwoods on CNN

Wildwoods on CNN.

If you love reading stories like this and would like to support our work, please “share” this. Also, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to help us pay for the food, medication, and equipment we need to help these animals.

Briar, Bentley, and Beavers in Our Community

A recent social media campaign about beavers has caught my attention. At the very least, it raises some questions about common access to wild space in our community.

Arrowhead Regional Arts Awards

The Arrowhead Regional Arts Council is very excited to be able to host an annual event that recognizes the contributions made by individuals to the arts in the Arrowhead Region and beyond.  This year ARAC will present the fifteenth annual George Morrison Artist Award to nationally recognized public sculptor Gareth Andrews from Zim, MN, and the Maddie Simons Advocate Award to Dr. Stanley Wold, Artistic Director and Conductor of the Arrowhead Chorale.

Dialect Map


Fascinating way to understand Duluth linguistically.  Hat tip to @Kate Vo Thi-Beard.  Salute to Mike Linn and Chongwon Park.

Empowering your Employees

For the last three months, I have been bringing a study group to a local eatery in Superior, WI for Saturday sessions.  Even though the eatery is a franchise, I support it because I understand that franchises are still locally owned, and local investment is important to me.  And the specific food types there are available at few other places in the Twin Ports.  (I’m not naming the place because my goal is not to punish the specific eatery, but to offer some principles for empowering employees everywhere.)

Helpers to stencil storm drains in Superior

We are looking for local groups and individuals who may be interested in stenciling storm drains with the message Do Not Dump, Drains to River. We’ll supply all that is needed. We do have a couple public dates set up – one being 9AM on Thursday, June 13 meeting at Fairlawn Mansion in Superior – but can also find a time when it might work for your organization. A group of 6 to 15 would be great. Ages 9 and above, please. We will be marking storm drains in Superior to communicate that the other end of most storm drains is, indeed, a stream or lake (even Lake Superior). The time needed is about an hour and a half and we’d also need a non-rainy day. Call 715-394-0392 if you are interested. We’d like to mark 200 drains this summer. Everyone makes a difference.

Critters Updated

Field Guide to Duluth Apostrophe’s

While PDD users are vigilant in reporting sightings of improper apostrophe use — what for these purposes we call the Duluth Apostrophe, or “the DA” — these reports are widely scattered over many different posts. I decided to correct the situation by aggregating all known examples of the DA, past and present, into a single post.

Here is the list, in alphabetical order, followed by the locations of each example.

Got that firm yet gentle touch?

Locally Laid Egg Company (Lola) is looking for a shift supervisor for Thursday night egg washing. Contact Jason @ locallylaid.com for details.

Sign of Spring: Infants at Wildwoods

Infants are here!

Environmental Education: Night on Native Plants at the Superior Public Library

Wildwoods was one of the guests at this event:

The guest speakers included Carol Andrews with the Arrowhead Chapter of Wild Ones, Jane Anklam with the West Wisconsin Land Trust, Paul Hlina with Leaning Pine native plants and Darienne McNamara with the city of Superior SAMP program.  Kate and Nancy, the Education and Volunteer Coordinator at Wildwoods, staffed a table for Q&A.  Kate described the event this way:  Although a small audience in attendance, the speakers provided valuable information regarding native plants, the importance of wetlands, and conservation of land for public benefit.

The event was organized by Wendy Up North.


Chester Creek Cafe is looking for a prep cook – great environment.

Out on a limb for a place to live in Duluth

I am looking for a place to live with my dog Jack. I’m not having any luck using conventional methods, so am going out on a limb to see if this route might help.

Another Duluth dateline in the Onion

24-year-old receives sage counsel from venerable 27-year-old

DULUTH, MN-Generously bestowing the kind of wisdom that only comes with age, worldly and venerable 27-year-old Matthew Owen took the time last night to offer his enlightened counsel to 24-year-old family friend Dennis Paige.