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Coyotes on the Plane; Releases in the Wild

Wildwoods Critters

Become a sexual assault volunteer with PAVSA

The Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault’s fall training dates are set and the organization is looking for people of all ages and from all walks of life to become sexual assault advocates. Advocates work on the crisis line and advocate for sexual assault survivors at area hospitals during their forensic exams. Dates for the 40-hour training and volunteer applications can be obtained at pavsa.org. Call Christy with questions at 218-726-1442.

Open Position at the Cable Natural History Museum: Exhibit Design Assistant

Cable Natural History Museum
Position: Exhibit Design Assistant
Timing: 25-40 hours per week, Jan. 6, through May 8, 2015, plus one-per-month meetings in September-December 2014.
Compensation: $4,000 stipend, plus free housing (including utilities) at the museum’s staff house
Reports to: Naturalist/Educator
Application Deadline: Position is open until filled.

The Way North: Duluth

In a series for the New York Times, Damien Cave and Todd Heisler travel up Interstate 35, from Laredo, Tex., to Duluth, chronicling how the middle of America is being changed by immigration. They spend day 37 in Duluth.

Park Point fox too friendly?

Last night we had a very interesting encounter with a sweet little fox. The fox went to run in front of our truck and then changed it’s mind and cowered on the side of the road. I then grabbed out my handy dandy camera to photograph him. At first he was a little farther away and as I was snapping away he started running at me! I was actually a bit scared and I hurried up and hopped in my truck. He didn’t leave, he lingered right by our truck. It seemed like he needed or wanted something from us. I was wondering if he was hungry and looking for food. I felt that the situation was abnormal. Thoughts?

Coyote Pups

Look who came to Wildwoods last week … a little “song dog” pup (aka coyote)! He was found by himself when he was about 3-4 weeks old, and has been raised by humans since.

Happy eleventeenth birthday to us

The Tisdales Beijing Beverly at scary Iowa bathroom Bone Appetit Brian Blair and Jim Brunzell Debbie Violin DJ R Fat Hens gartman pool Geeks Hannu Jamie and Brad jesus canal park Karl Renaissance paramedic school Paul Lundgren Blagojevich pug Pumpkin Zoey Richard Hackler PBR Sitting on a Wall Sparhawk loves consensual sex Real American Hero 080927 010 all game Andrew Elf Fire Ann Kleffstad in shock and dismay Aurora bad sweater party

Perfect Duluth Day is eleven years old today – Sunday, June 29, 2014. The official celebration is at Carmody Irish Pub tonight at 8 p.m. Fabulous prizes will be awarded to the top finishers of this week’s Pub Quiz, the questions for which will all be related to PDD. It’s a super tough quiz, so study intensively.

Example of handicap issues in Duluth

Open Position at Hartley Nature Center: Full-time Education Director

Hartley Nature Center
Position: Education Director
Status: Full-time, exempt
Compensation: $34,000 to $37,000
Reports to: Executive director

Piedmont/Lincoln Park Hwy 53 stretch

Anyone have any idea who is responsible for the Piedmont/Lincoln Park stretch of Hwy 53? I’m guessing it’s the state that has dropped the ball on this one. Tall grass on sides looks like it’s never been mowed and the sidewalks are completely covered in a 1/8″ of gravel. The street sweepers came through the neighborhood and didn’t touch them.

Any thoughts on who to contact?

Wildlife Adventures

A lot of adventures at Wildwoods this week.

Chop some rhubarb or interview a veteran

A pair of volunteer opportunities in Duluth:

The Rhubarb Festival is in need of volunteers to assist with the stage show, silent auction, food booths, kitchen preparation and more. Follow this link to sign up. Opportunities vary from pie making, rhubarb harvesting and chopping, silent-auction basket making, event setup, children’s activities, food-booth working, and so on. Volunteers are also needed for a rhubarb harvest and chopping at Peace Church.

Veterans’ Memorial Hall, a program of the St. Louis County Historical Society, needs volunteers for its Oral History Project, collecting first-person accounts of military service through in-person recorded interviews with local veterans. A training session is being held on Saturday, Aug. 2.

Chester Park Graffiti?

Has anyone else seen the recent graffiti at the bottom of Chester Park. WDIO had a short feature on it. They “tagged” in the park and the neighborhood including houses and vehicles.

And what does 2.7.5. refer to? Searching the interwebs the top hit is the Twitter handle for @ink2flasyy the 21-year old Ontario man who flipped his car after tweeting about driving drunk. Google also tells me that it could refer to Blackland Raider Klan, an underground rap group started by SpaceGhostPurrp, down in Miami. That or they are big fans of the Python 2.7.5. release. Either way it isn’t cool once you start defacing neighborhoods.

I’ve never had an issue with some of Duluth graffiti havens but the side of an F-150 is not the same as the Graffiti Graveyard.

Seven Bridges Road

There are now survey stakes running through the woods along Seven Bridges Road between Bridge One and Bridge Two. A couple of huge old white pines have been marked with tape. Apparently they are in the way of the plan to move the road over.

Lakewalk Parking

I went down to the Lakewalk in Canal Park a few days ago after not being down there for a few years and was very disappointed. First realizing that there is a minimum $2 charge for parking. What person knows how long they will be gone? Going for a walk, run, etc or stopping to have a bite to eat, let the kids play. I paid my $2 and made it back to my car in time, but within 30 seconds of starting my car, I was informed by the meter maid, that my time was up. I even looked into other places where parking used to be free. Nope it’s all gone. I will never go down there again and am certainly passing the word around to look somewhere else for Duluth’s beauty.