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Lost Newfie in Twig area

NewfieA friend’s Newfie ran off from her house in Twig on Friday. Has anyone seen her?

To move back or not?

I was born and raised in Duluth (I left five years ago) and I am contemplating moving back to Duluth from the Twin Cities. The main reason: I miss my family. However, I have a few concerns and would like feedback from non-relatives that still live in Duluth. We left mostly because of the lack of jobs. Have things improved? I am also concerned about lack of activities for small children, quality of schools, etc. Is Duluth really turning around, or is it dying?

Wildwoods Notification about Distemper

A fox was found behaving abnormally, and the St. Louis County Undersheriff was able to walk right up to him and pick him up. He seemed very lethargic, and we were not certain of what we were dealing with, at first. Was he stunned from being hit by a car? However, then he began doing this, and we knew he had distemper.

This Week: Chris Monroe, Jimmy Dorsey, Violet Bick and more

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Here’s a bit of what you’ll find on this week’s PDD Calendar:

Chris Monroe’s new art exhibit opens, Sing! A Women’s Chorus is kicking off the hibernation season and the Handel’s Messiah singalong is taking place.

Get involved with the Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon, make some glass holiday ornaments and check out the opening of Fitger’s Salon & Spa.

The Minnesota Ballet’s Nutcracker is opening on Friday, Rubber Chicken’s Holiday Revue is going up, the Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra is cranking out the holiday favorites and George Bailey is back up on the big screen. Merry Christmas, you wonderful old Building and Loan!

Chorus and Such

I ended my weekend at the Lake Superior Youth Chorus

Found: Your phone, lighter and two dimes

Found Phone

In general this is a public service announcement: Keep in mind during the winter months that if you reach into your pockets and pull something out from the bottom, everything else is likely to come out with it and land in the snow next to the railroad tracks. You probably won’t even notice.

Well, that’s at least my theory of what happened. If this is your stuff, inquire about it at the West Duluth Police Substation.


locateLakeVoiceLake Voice News invites the public to participate in its community-wide #locateLakeVoice contest by finding cards with the #locateLakeVoice logo around Duluth at locations that have been featured in Lake Voice stories this past fall. The contest runs until Sunday, Dec. 14.

Job providing services to people with disabilities

Residential Services is a nonprofit organization that provides services to help people with disabilities live in the home setting of their choice. RSI has part-time and full-time openings working with adults and children in residential settings as a direct support professional in Duluth and on the Iron Range. No experience is required. Direct support professionals receive a blend of classroom and on-the-job training to perform their duties.

Applicants must be 18 and have a valid driver’s license. Visit rsi.jobs to view current openings and apply online. Applications can also be completed in person at 2900 Piedmont Ave. in Duluth.

The Trail’s Calling

Max Fierek and Charles Young hit the trails near Stewart Creek in Duluth’s Smithville neighborhood.

This Week: snowmobiles, speeches, seasonal sounds and more

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Here’s a bit of what you’ll find on this week’s PDD Calendar:

Now that everyone has emerged from their food comas, there is plenty to see and do in the Twin Ports. Snowmobilers are now free to hit the trails, Karin Kraemer is speaking at the Tweed, Adam Swanson’s having a mural reception and they’re talking business at Clyde Iron.

Jamie Ness plays during Grog Time at Tycoons, Legally Blonde: The Musical opens and vets are remembered at a special dinner.

It’s not too early to get out over the weekend and start getting gifts: the Bizarre Bazaar and the Get it Local Gift Fair are two ways to do so.

And there’s lots of seasonal sounds to be had: O Holy Night is going down, as is the Sounds of the Season concert. Top off your weekend with the Rock and Roll Kamikaze and some stand-up comedy at Dubh Linn, and you’ve got all your bases covered.

Well, almost.

Thanksgiving Stories

My Thanksgiving started Wednesday, and I want to point a few things out.

This Week: Schurke, Cirque and turk(ey)

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Though it was just Halloween, and it may seem like it’s already the Christmas season due to the fact that halls everywhere are decked, holiday music is already running 24/7 on Kool 101.7 and seasonal commercials have taken over televisions for nigh on two weeks, it’s actually Thanksgiving that’s on the way.

Here’s a bit of what you’ll find in the Gobble-week edition of the PDD Calendar:

Adventurer Paul Schurke is giving a talk at Mitchell Auditorium on Monday, The Road Kill Boys are at Clyde Iron on Tuesday, and Cirque du Soleil is at the DECC on Wednesday.

Carve up some pre-holiday laughs with the cut-ups at VIP Pizza’s comedy night, hit the Gobbler Glide skating event at the Heritage Center, and win some meat at the Rustic.

On Turkey Day itself, enjoy some free parking, run off some pre-meal calories, hit the DECC for the Thanksgiving Buffet 2014 and get some pie and Chuck at the Zinema.

And, after the veil of Black Friday lifts, there remains much to do in the Twin Ports over the weekend. Head to the PDD Calendar for all the stuff(ing) one could ever want.

Snow Removal Advice

A friend in Lakeside needs advice on snow removal.

Duluth snubbed again as next Star Wars readies to film in London

Duluth snubbed again

I love the image, but I feel like I’m missing something.

Onion A.V. Club: Duluth snubbed yet again as the next Star Wars readies to film in London

Pinewood CEO Ivan Dunleavy made the announcement at the annual Confederation of Business Industry conference, boasting, “The seventh Star Wars movie just finished shooting at Pinewood. And I’m delighted to be able to tell you that a new Star Wars movie is already booked in.” His words were considered a direct affront to the fine people of Duluth, who have patiently waited decades for England to quit hogging all the Star Wars.

The Hollywood Reporter confirmed that Dunleavy was referring to the first Star Wars spinoff, to be directed by Gareth Edwards, and not the follow-up to J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars: The Force Awakens, But Not In Duluth, Because Fuck That Place.

This Week: Sun Kil Moon, Santa on a Sleep Number, Skiing and more

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Here’s a bit of what you’ll find on this week’s PDD Calendar:

There’s a big gig happening at an odd location, as Sun Kil Moon takes the stage at Karpeles Manuscript Museum with Low as openers on Thursday night. Across town, the Little River Band plays the Clyde. On Wednesday, The Arrowhead Story releases an album, Dan Israel plays Fitger’s Brewhouse on Friday and the DSSO teams up with Lyric Opera of the North to stage Carmen on Saturday.

‘Tis the season: skiers already know that Opening Day happens at Lutsen Mountains on Saturday and Santa tries out a Sleep Number bed up at the mall on Friday.

Pugilism boosters should hit the Friday Night Fights at Grandma’s, ice skaters should hit the Heritage Center and skateboarders might want to check out the “Plys With Purpose” exhibition.

Add in a PAVSA art auction, some stand-up comedy and Super Mario, and it’s a full week. Learn more by visiting the PDD Calendar.