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Planners take another look at West Duluth’s Memorial Park


The overhaul of a neglected West Duluth park honoring local war veterans has been delayed and downsized as city officials develop new plans without a multi-million dollar community center anchoring the project.

Duluth city officials said a two-year-old plan calling for more than $7 million in Memorial Park improvements failed to receive federal funding and a needed community center business partnership. The setback means planning will be reopened to public discussion early in 2017.

An Unexpected Arrival in Morgan Park


Does anyone have the story?

Eldes Corner Spring in Midway Township

eldes-corner-springAbout 11 miles outside Duluth at the junction of Midway Road and Old Highway 61 is the Eldes Corner Spring, a rundown white building with two free-flowing spigots on the exterior.

Also known as the “Midway Artesian Well” or “Eldes Well House,” it is a public well, owned and maintained by the township, channeled by pipes from four aquifers. That’s about the extent of info a quick internet search brings up. Who knows more? When was it built? Share your knowledge.

Gilmore Girls Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge Cake Ornament


The Netflix revival of the TV comedy/drama Gilmore Girls features a brief and strange nod to the Zenith City. The last of the four new episodes includes a pre-wedding scene with Sookie St. James (played by Melissa McCarthy) showing a cake to Lorelai Gilmore (played by Lauren Graham) that has a miniature Aerial Lift Bridge on it labeled “Duluth.”

Duluth Liquor Stores vs. Tattoo Parlors

duluth-liquor-store tattoo-of-life-bridge

In recent years I’ve noticed a number of Duluth liquor stores have gone out of business while a number of tattoo parlors have opened. I like to joke that the latter business model depends on the former, but lately I’ve had the perception that at some point in recent history the number of tattoo parlors grew to exceed the number of liquor stores.

An ongoing count, however, suggests otherwise. The lists in this post show 16 liquor stores within Duluth city limits, but only five tattoo parlors. Of course, I tend to keep better tabs on where beer can be procured than on places to have my flesh artistically carved. So help me out. What liquor stores or tattoo parlors are missing from these lists?

Duluth Film Directory

If you’re a filmmaker/actor/screenwriter — or working in any capacity in film in the Duluth area — this post should be of interest to you.

Today I launched the Duluth Film Directory: a database of all the people working in film in Duluth. I constantly receive emails from people asking me who is working in the area, and this will be a convenient way to consolidate everyone into one location. Now, when someone is looking for a freelancer, they’ll know exactly where to turn.

If you’re interested in signing up for the directory, please email me your information at duluthfilmcollective @ gmail.com.

Please include:

  • Your work title
  • Areas of expertise
  • What you’re currently working on
  • Email, website, IMDB page
  • A nice picture of yourself (not grainy or small)

Stolen Bike

A white, black and red Lightspeed Mira has been stolen from me. It has a Thompson seat post and a mostly Durace group set. It has egg-beater pedals, a red seat and red bar tape. This bike is seriously my life and my car. Please notify me if you see anything about it at 954-486-2136.

Duluth Area Median Income by Neighborhood

Karl Schuettler, director of marketing, research and analysis for Northspan Group, recently geeked out on some U.S. Census figures on his blog, A Patient Cycle. Of particular interest is a table showing median income by neighborhood across Duluth and neighboring communities.

The Bluestone Co. Canal Park – Adopt a Highway


Great store too early for it’s time, but the signs are still on Central Entrance many years later. I’ve wondered why. Then, a week or so ago there he was, Erik Nelson (yes, that Erik) founder of the long gone-enterprise, reflective vest and trash bag in hand doing the duty of Adopters, but unlike so many, alone … I like to imagine in contemplation or the joy of being alone.

You are not a robot

pdd-recaptchaPerfect Duluth Day blog administrators have noticed an increase recently in the number of users changing their passwords, and we’ve also had a few people write to us indicating their login process is being thwarted with the phrase: “Error: You have entered an incorrect reCAPTCHA value.”

So heads up if you are having trouble logging in: As annoying as it is, you have to remember to check the box that reads “I am not a robot.”

This extra step was implemented a month or so ago to keep out the robots that create accounts on PDD, log in, and attempt to post spam. Until we create good robots to kill the evil robots, the reCAPTCHA box will be necessary. You don’t have to enter any words or pass any picture box test in most cases, unless maybe you log in from a place you don’t usually log in. But you must check the box.

Beer finally flowing in Duluth Lakeside at Amity Coffee

amity-coffee-nate-pykkonenProhibition has finally ended. Amity Coffee became the Lakeside neighborhood’s first seller of over-the-counter alcohol today. In June the Duluth City Council repealed a more than 125-year-old neighborhood liquor ban.

At left, barista Nate Pykkonen pours a Bent Hop Golden IPA, one of two Paddle Paddle Brewing tap beers at Amity. Bottled and canned beers are also available, as well as wine.

Curling and Possibility (A Reflection from Duluth Curling Club)

I went to the “learn to curl” night at Duluth Curling Club. The club has a storied history:

The Duluth Curling Club was organized in 1891… [The facility] can be expanded to provide up to 13 curling sheets for major events, and is the largest facility in the United States. With this facility, we have grown to the second largest club in the US; only the St Paul (MN) Curling Club, has more members.

We have hosted two World Championships, the US Olympic Trials, and numerous National events. Two DCC members have been inducted into the Curling Hall of Fame, for service to the sport. Numerous members have participated in and won State and National Championships over the years, and even a few World and Olympic Championships.

There are at least three curling clubs in the region, including one in Two Harbors and one in Superior, and I am thinking I will curl in Superior, if my friends out there will have me as I develop my skills.

Learning to curl taught me a lot.

Trail construction around Enger Golf Course?

I live near the Enger Golf Course and this summer I noticed what appeared to be construction of a trail or small road on the edge of parts of the golf course.  Since I couldn’t find anything about this online I figured this was probably some kind of service road for the golf course but I thought I would make this post and see if anyone out there has any info about the purpose of the recent road/trail created on the parameter of the Enger Golf Course.

Job opening: Save the PDD Calendar editor from going batty

pddAre you ready to make slightly above minimum wage with no benefits while working in your pajamas at home? Then Perfect Duluth Day needs you. Running the PDD Calendar is sucking the life out of the editor and his previous assistant has too much collegiate stuff to deal with at the moment. So here’s a rare opportunity to get inside the PDD media empire. Read the full job description on the PDD employment page.

Why can’t 21st Avenue East, Woodland and Arrowhead be a highway like Piedmont?

There was a study I cannot find now where some bigwigs came to Duluth back in about 2006 and decided that access to the mall area from the east side of town is one of the largest problems we have here. Every single road has many traffic lights and the speed limits are all 30 mph. Even Howard Gnesen rolls along at 30 mph in the middle of nowhere. The stretch from Kenwood Avenue on Arrowhead Road to Rice Lake Road is just a basic speed trap before it finally opens up to a whole 45 mph.

Why not make from the freeway exit at 21st Avenue East, Woodland Avenue and Arrowhead Road more like what was done on the west side of town near 21st Avenue West?

I know many people live on the stretch, but we have two major colleges and the city keeps “calming traffic” everywhere it can. That was the actual term that I heard at meeting when they decided — against the wishes of everyone in attendance — to make London Road go from four lanes of traffic to two. Then they said the city would plant all kinds of trees and beautify the area. Still waiting on that one.