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Adolf Hitler was a heavy smoker in his early life-he used to smoke 25 to 40 cigarettes daily-but gave up the habit, concluding that it was a waste of money.In later years, Hitler viewed smoking as “decadent” and “the wrath of the Red Man against the White Man, vengeance for having been given hard liquor”, lamenting that “so many excellent men have been lost to tobacco poisoning”. He was unhappy because both Eva Braun and Martin Bormann were smokers and was concerned over Hermann Göring’s continued smoking in public places. He was angered when a statue portraying a cigar-smoking Göring was commissioned. Hitler is often considered to be the first national leader to advocate nonsmoking.

Wikipedia: Anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany

Make Day at the Science Museum

DTV: Now with 25 percent more downtime

Don’t mess with my Seinfeld man.

Cliff Dwellers Spin/Fact Check

As an Alien Anthropologist I think it’s worth pointing out that the original “cliffdwellers” were actually really advanced, built really amazing houses, and had some fairly sophisticated technologies and social structures. The term “cliffdwellers” doesn’t really work as an insult–it’s like saying “you advanced people who know how to build really cool houses, make great pots and baskets, feed yourselves using your own knowledge, and know how to keep mice outta the corn bin.”

Here’s some info:

Not exactly Bigfoot prints, but …


This trail struck me a little strange.  I’m referring to the roughly 20-inch-wide path that’s been cleared in the middle. As if tracking some strange beast, I’m trying to figure out what cleared that path.


From Edward Glaeser, NYT Economix, "Revenge of the Rust Belt"

Economist Edward Glaeser recently wrote in the NYT Economix blog about the declining population of the Rust Belt. I found the accompanying graphic entertaining.

Twitterpated 2009

Lakeview Castle

21+ at the Lakeview Castle ^CLICK FOR DETAILS^

Now That’s More Like It

Fred Phelps

A UK Border Agency spokesman said: “The home secretary has excluded both Fred Phelps and his daughter from the UK. Both these individuals have engaged in unacceptable behaviour by inciting hatred against a number of communities.”

Why did the Rubber Chicken cross the bridge? To do this show!

Rubber Chicken Theater and The Shack Dinner Theatre partner up for the show “QED” by Peter Parnell.
Starring Brian Matuszak and Cheryl Skafte
Directed by Minden Anderson
March 6-8, 13-15 and 20-22 at the Shack.
Tix: 715-392-DINE
Info: 218-213-2780, www.RubberChickenTheater.com

As Starfire says: “It’s only a bridge. Get over it!”

Minneapolis leaks a secret

The Alpha Centauri from Minneapolis is coming to Beaner’s on March 27 to release the long awaited second album. It’s going to be awesome. Some of you may have seen TAC at the Norshore and Luce a few years back. Check out the link to the lead singer’s otherworldly studio in Minneapolis that includes an extraordinary list of artists that he’s produced.


Glory Shine Janitorial Cleaning Company Van Hits Street Sweeper

There was no debris resulting from the accident.

Care package for Laurie Viets

Laurie Viets, native Superiorite and former DJ/Director for KUMD’s RPM show is confined to her hospital bed in Chicago for quite awhile. I’d like to organize a care package from the Northland for Laurie. She is pretty well stocked on magazines and books right now. I’m thinking crosswords, sodukus, hand held Yahtzee, those fun books with the invisible yellow magic markers, whatever.  Music is fun, anything to brighten her room, stuff for Canyon (baby name). Even just mail is entertaining!  Anything to break up the monotony would be appreciated.

If any of you have suggestions please let me know here or at, (igmossberger at hotmail dot com). I can setup a time and place for a drop-off. Laurie, if there’s anything you’d like, don’t be shy please let us know. God Bless.

Duluthians, how are you liking the fancy DTV so far?

WDIO dropped its analog signal and went fully digital last night. Folks with digital televisions (or with converter boxes) have to rescan channels in order for WDIO to come in. The station will not be at full power until Feb. 20. In the meantime, don’t break your rabbit ears.

Moon for the Misbegotten

Revival performances of last years critically aclaimed “A Moon For The Misbegotten” by Eugene O’Neill to benefit The Duluth Bethel Port Rehabilitation Center for Men.
Starring Jim Neumann, Carolyn LePine, Zachary Stofer, Nathan St. Germain and Cody Ryder
Directed by Molly O’Neill
Six performances March 12-14 March 19-21 7:30 pm

Alan Zeppa and the Zeppa Foundation donated Teatro Zuccone for this event.

Ever wonder about the street preachers in Duluth?

I stumbled upon this a while ago.   I don’t want to start a flame war so am disabling comments (don’t want this to turn into DCB), just posting for those who are/were curious.


