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Blackeyed Snakes-Red Star Show

The theme for tomorrows Red Star show will be “outer space” .  It edged out “naked” by just a few votes, probably due to concerns about cold weather. Music to start around 1030 or 1100. We hope to see you there Barbarella….

ps Baci, initiate countdown, go fer launch

Got an opinion on the Old Jail?



Tonight is your last chance to make your voice heard to those who will make the decision: the Duluth City Council.

The Duluth Heritage Preservation Commission has denied a permit to St. Louis County to demolish the Jail, which is protected from demolition under Duluth law as a landmark building. The County is appealing this decision, and the only way for the Council to overturn it is to essentially break Duluth law, which would establish a precedent that puts all of our historic assets at risk.

The appeal is on tonight’s City Council agenda. If you have something to say about the building’s demolition (on either side of the issue), you get three minutes to make your point.

I am biased to the Jail’s preservation (I write and publish Duluth history books and sit on the HPC), so I also encourage those who don’t wish to speak but who want to see the Jail saved simply show up to show support.

You can learn more about the issue in a letter to the Editor in today’s DNT penned by Richard Moe, a Duluth native and the president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation: http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/118713/.

Kid’s Spring Garden Extravaganza!

Come one!  Come all!  To the first annual Kid’s Garden Extravaganza!  gardeningcover

Start your own seeds! Music and Games! Worm composting!

Garden Art! Make Bread! Chickens!

Wednesday, April 29th
Anytime between 4pm-7pm
The Damiano Center
206 W 4th Street
Duluth MN 55806

For Information Call:
Katie at the Duluth Community Garden Program

Let Peace Shine (Duluth 2009) video

Here’s a video my husband and I made for the Men as Peacemakers film festival. It won 3rd prize. YouTube seems to be making it a little darker, sorry.

Train knowledge

For those who want to be in the know, I’d highly recommend the meeting at the Depot from 4-7 Wednesday. From 4-5, the plans for a transportation mecca downtown will be discussed. From 5-7, the talk is the Northern Lights Express passenger train. A lot is happening right now and I’d like to see many more people informed on the project and end this “it’s just another Amtrak” talk or “not my money” plaint. We subsidize roads and other travel options and never expect a return. While the rail gets up and going with significant public investment, it is being planned as a self-sustaining operation. Anyway, come to the meeting, get informed. The NLX has a Web site: www.northernlightsexpress.com

Help out at Homegrown!

Hey beautiful Duluthians! Homegrown ’09 starts tomorrow and we still need volunteers to help staff doors. Our biggest need is for Homegrown Friday. If you can help email Jen at [email protected].

Bob’s Basement Sale 3: The Blowout

My basement + tons of vintage clothes(and knick knacks I’m getting rid of cuz I’m moving this week) + Saturday, 10-4 + fresh-squeezed lemonade + (your snarky comment here)= My final attempt to get people to come buy my cool stuff. Hopefully, persistence pays off.

For the Little People: The mysterious miniature village on Madeline Island

I used to always hear stories about a mysterious fairy village on Madeline Island. Supposedly someone built an entire little village out in the woods somewhere. Every time I’m on the island, I bike down a fire lane or back road I’ve never been on before hoping to take a peek, but I’ve never found it.

Has anyone actually seen it and can attest to its existence?

Indoor Golf Outing: Reading and Book signing at Northern Prints Gallery

Phil Fitzpatrick will read from and sign copies of his new book, A Beautiful Friendship: The Joy of Chasing Bogey Golf on Sunday, April 26 from 3-4:30 pm at the Northern Prints Gallery, 318 N. 14th Avenue E across from Burrito Union.

Homegrown’s Experimental Tuesday

Blue Crab Homegrown Flyer

Shana David at the Blue Crab, Tuesday April 28 

Homegrown’s Experimental Night

9:00 – 9:20 Original Tunez, piano, vocals and cuteness

9:20 – 9:25 Quick break

9:25 – 9:45  Michael Jackson Mini-Set

Cheeeeeck it out!  Click on the creepy pic and then scroll down for more info on Shana D.

Spreading seeds

Say.. does anyone have one of those grass seed/lawn aerator/spreader thingambobs I could borrow for a week sometime in the next month or so? We are slowly trying to convert our lawn to almost exclusively clover and one of those would totally rock.

Please and thanks.

old Mac cord?

My old mac cord (non-magnetic) gave it up. Does anyone have an old one they’d be willing to sell cheap? I’m in a pickle – once the battery goes on this, I’m done.
[email protected]

I just wanted to read more about the Grand Marais Slaw Dog?

My Sisters Place - Slaw Dog

My Sisters Place - Slaw Dog

It appears I need to pay $2.95 if I want to read more about the Grand Marais Slaw Dog. WHY?
I understand the rough time print publications are going through these days but $2.95 for one article on Slaw Dogs.  Dang – the Slaw Dog probably does not even cost that much.

$2.95 per article

$2.95 per article

Homegrown Music VIDEO Festival reminder

FREE PASS to Homegrown if you complete the following:

1. Come to Beaners this Friday at 6pm (if you can’t make it you can have a proxy draw for you)

2. Draw two songs from the past two Homegrown CDs and choose ONE with which to make a music video. You can use footage you already have, and there is NO obligation to include images of the band playing (in fact, it might be kind of fun to be creative). The only rule is to keep the song intact.

3. Turn in your completed music video on Sunday at 9pm at Pizza Luce.

Thats it! Once you turn in your movie you’ll receive your pass as well as the past two Homegrown CDs as a thank you gift.

Finished videos will be shown on MONDAY at 7pm at Harbor City International School.

Questions? Call or email Annie at [email protected] or 218-310-4703

Forum on the Death Penalty & Mumia Abu-Jamal

Saturday, April 25 at 6pm in the basement meeting room
of the Chester Creek Cafe at 1902 E. 8th St.,Duluth, MN

You are invited to a public forum on the struggle to end the death penalty, and to free political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. The tragic continued use of the death penalty has inspired millions to fight against it, and the case of Mumia has come to symbolize what is wrong with the death penalty, and our criminal ‘justice’ system in general. Speaking at this event will be a panel of local activists from Amnesty International and Northwoods for Mumia. After the presentations there will be an open discussion. There will also be a birthday card for Mumia for people who would like to sign it [April 24 is Mumia’s birthday]. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Sponsored by Northwoods for Mumia
P.O. Box 16853, Duluth MN 55816
[email protected] – (715) 394-6660