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Does anyone have a key to the armory? I figure all of us non-native Christmas refugees could set up camp there and have our own non-family celebration. I’ll bring the Charlie Brown tree. Who knows the Linus speech? I recall driving 60 miles to Mankato during the Halloween blizzard to make it to an old college roommate’s house, knowing we wanted to be in the old neighborhood for four days of snow fun. It took 3 hours. I was younger, stupider, and perhaps not now as motivated to take on the weather with my car. Home is an hour south of the TCs. A string of 43 straight appearances will be broken. Lamentations?

Baby genius

Overheard in Target, 10 p.m. Dec. 22 amid Christmas shoppers. I probably wouldn’t have thought this was so funny before I had kids.
Indignant college-age woman to second indignant college-age woman:
“It’s just so, like, what a freakin’ 6-month-old would say!”

Isn’t it time for better transit?

All this talk about sustainability in Duluth, and how the DTA was named Best Transit Provider in Minnesota, and it wins all the Sustainability Points it can get (biofuels, paper reduction, hybrid busses, new technology, etc) – but..

Why can’t a car-free-sustainable-person like me take a bus downtown or to a movie on a Saturday night?

Seriously… is anyone else feeling the pinch of poor transit options for the car-less or car-free of us in Duluth? Some of us make the choice to be sustainable and car-free, and then what?  We get to sit at home every Saturday and Sunday evening, because our busses stop operating around 7pm!  How does that make a “sustainable city” or attract sustainability-minded folks?  Now service is cut on the 24th during the week (no service after 7:15pm), yet not New Year’s eve.  Huh?

Have there been any attempts at better transit in the past? Advocacy groups?  Sustainability groups that take action rather than pat politicos on the back or host “seminars”?  Any ideas on organizing a Bus Rider’s Union or getting a Car-sharing program going in Duluth?

Or, as I asked the mayor in an email, as well as the DTA – “Should a guy like me just buy a car and ‘shut up’ in Duluth?”

Ideas are welcome, as are interested organizers! Send email to [email protected].

Am I the only one …

… who spends most of the winter fighting the urge to sneak through parking lots, compulsively kicking ice chunks off of other people’s cars?

Old cell phones

I’m looking to score an old-school cell phone. Brick phone. Bag phone. Talking 1980s styles here. Have a friend who is fascinated with then compared to now and it would make a great talking piece/paper weight Xmas gift. Any ideas on how/where to get one?

Christmas Spirit

Farmer Doug and Lois Hoffbauer , who sell xmas trees out of the farmer’s market, are offering these free trees to their neighbors. How nice is that?

“Waiting for Godot” by Rubber Chicken Theater


Two down-on-their-luck tramps, Vladimir and Estragon, fill their days as painlessly as they can as they wait for someone named Godot to show up. Godot, they believe, will be able to explain their interminable insignificance, or put an end to it.

Reader’s View

Back in January 1997 I witnessed an unidentified flying object. It was very thrilling and exciting. I’ll never forget it.

Places to stay in Duluth

I am coming to Duluth in March next year and looking for some information.

  • Backpacker hostels or cheap, friendly places to stay.
  • How to get to Ely by bus or train!

Can anyone help?

Fresh Air Fund Holiday Donations

Every year, The Fresh Air Fund gives thousands of inner-city children the priceless gift of fun – and opens the door to a lifetime of opportunities.

Whether its a two-week trip to the country to visit a volunteer host family, or a fun-filled and educational stay at one of our camps, our programs make for unforgettable memories – and open a world of new friendships and fresh possibilities.

Christmas is the perfect time to donate to a non-profit organization. Please consider giving a donation to FAF in the name of a family member, friend, or co-worker.

* Just $10 will send one child on a bus ride to his or her Friendly Town host family.
* $24 provides a child with a week of swimming lessons.
* $42 provides a day of Career Awareness classes.
* A gift of $50 can fund a camp counselor for a day.

If you can give as much as $91, you provide a child at camp with meals for a week. To find out more information about donating or other efforts, please go to http://freshairholiday.org/ for more information.

New Year’s Eve at RT Quinlan’s

New Year’s Eve
Thursday, December 31st
RT Quinlan’s

The Acceleratii
The Surfactants


Skating lessons

I haven’t skated for 20 years (and wasn’t so great then) but want to learn. Anyone know of adult lessons in Duluth? Thanks!

Gift for Twin Ports resident…

My mom lives in the Twin Ports and I’m trying to think of a good gift card to somewhere/something that I can get for her (I won’t be in town). Does the DECC have gift cards? Any ideas? She isn’t in to spas… Thank you!

The Boomchucks

The Boomchucks @ The Brewhouse
The Boomchucks @ The Brewhouse

Tonight and every Thursday at 10 pm, our 2 piece rock and roll band plays for free at the Fitgers Brewhouse.  Check out some tunes from the upcoming full length album at www.myspace.com/theboomchucks

Party and Music

December 10th Events at Sara's Table

December 10th Events at Sara's Table