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Dog-friendly Duluth

I was reading comments to convince my girlfriend, and saw one reader post that Duluth is sooo dog friendly.

We have just moved from the Twin Cities and I have struggled finding dog-friendly places. Where we lived in the Cities, there were huge dog parks with hiking trails where we could safely let our dog off-leash (and get exercise ourselves), dog-friendly businesses to visit, dog day cares, cafes you could bring your dog, and a lot of special events. (It probably helped that there are publications like Sidewalk Dog to point you in the right direction).

The one tiny dog park in Duluth is inadequate to say the least (we won’t visit again), and while I’ve heard about the Superior Hiking Trail, in many places in Duluth it seems too close to roads to feel comfortable letting my dog off leash (also am not sure how easy it would be to hike it in the winter).

So, dog owners — what are your tips for great places to bring your dog? Where can you let your dog off-leash? I work in Duluth and am staying in Cloquet until we find a permanent place to settle, so am curious about any Cloquet/Esko tips as well.


“I am truly sorry about my hair; it’s always been that way.”


Stand strong Conan.

I realize this is PDD…

but if anyone could make a perfect day in Superior, the Animal Rescue’s van has cashed in its chips… can anyone help? Per Facebook:

OUR VAN IS KAPOOT…PLEASE HELP!!! ARF”s Van is kapoot…if anybody could please help us out by donating either a van or a truck with a topper to help us bring the animals to and from necessary veterinarian appointments, it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! Please call Bill at (218)525-7382

Traditional Ojibwe Opening Ceremony for UMD Library Exhibit

“Lewis and Clark and the Indian Country,” a national traveling exhibition, is on display in the UMD Library fourth floor rotunda reading room. The public is invited to a traditional Ojibwe opening ceremony in UMD’s Weber Music Hall at 6 p.m. on Friday, January 15. The ceremony will include drumming, prayer, and welcome statements at the Weber, followed by a reception and viewing of the exhibit on the fourth floor of the UMD Library. Refreshments will be provided by Friends of the Duluth Public Library. Call 218-726-8130 for more information.

The exhibit, which tells the story of the explorers’ historic 1804-1806 expedition from the point of view of the Indians who lived along the route, is available for viewing during all hours when the UMD Library is open. You can learn more about the exhibit and check the library hours by going to the UMD Library web site:


Convince my girlfriend

Help me convince my girlfriend that we should move to Duluth. Why do you love living in Duluth?

Doin’ the wash

Where’s a good Laundromat in Duluth? I live in the Central Hillside, but am willing to travel a bit. I was using the one next to Burrito Union, but my clothes seem to smell after washing them there. The new Maytag place on 4th Street is nice, although spendy (and usually busy). What do you suggest?

Whither (or wither?) the “creative community”?

Then: Knight Creative Communities Initiative, 2008:

Technology, Tolerance, Territory, and Talent. These four T’s are the base for building a more attractive environment for economic growth, according to Dr. Richard Florida and a growing number of other internationally known researchers.

In 2007-2008, the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation in connection with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation led a process to build on these assets in the Twin Ports….

Now: Alec McGillis, “The Ruse of the Creative Class,” The American Prospect 4 January 2010.

[It] is wrong, [Florida’s former manager] says, to see any conflict in Florida’s dire pronouncements on the places that bankrolled this success, because he hadn’t promised prosperity in the first place. “He wasn’t really making prescriptions,” Frantz says. “This wasn’t Jesus Christ throwing the money men out of the temple; this was an academic. He was a fucking college professor, and you’re hoping to resurrect Canton, Ohio? Yeah, good luck with that.”

We talked a little about the Knight Creative Communities Initiative project back at its inception. Florida sounds like a classic snake-oil salesman, but I note that people who participated in the project seemed to feel it was valuable in spite of his contribution/lack thereof. I’d be interested to hear what people had to say about the project–and its broader goals of community revitalization–now.

Come out to beautiful Cloquet for some G & S Comic Opera!


Rubber Chicken Theater heads down I-35 to stage An Evening of Gilbert and Sullivan on Feb. 11, 12, and 13 at 7:30pm and February 14 at 2:00pm at the Encore Performing Arts Center and Gallery in Cloquet, Minnesota. Tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for students and seniors.

Natural Parenting Workshop

Natural Parenting Workshop

Local Doulas Sara Weik and Jesse Dykhuis are teaching a Winter Session Natural Parenting Workshop through Duluth Community Ed. The class will run for three Wednesdays beginning 2/27. The cost of the whole session is $25/person or per couple.

Good travel agencies in the Twin Ports?

I am wondering if there are any good travel agencies in the area (or which ones are better and why)? Planning to go to Europe this summer and need a little “professional help”…thanks!

Move your money

What do you think about this idea?

Someone explain this

Zits comic – Nov. 6, 2009

Love isn’t posting your wife’s/girlfirend’s naked butt and sex organs on YouTube after she’s had a mishap? I think I’ve been doing it wrong all these years.



Any musicians interested in a 7PM – 9:30 PM gig on New Year’s Eve?
Contact me: click on Guy

Merry Xmas-A tradition.

Stock up now. Limit travel.
