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Selling antique bedroom set — not sure how to price it

I have a three-piece antique bedroom set that I’m looking to sell. I have no idea on the value or where to even start with the price. Its got to be 95+ years old — it was my great grandmother’s. Set includes: full-size bed frame, dresser with mirror, and armoire. Can anyone help?

Plan B: Seeking Rideshare from Twin Cities

Jefferson Lines changed its bus schedule without warning — just as its website promised it would do. Now I’m seeking to share a ride with someone heading to Duluth (or nearby) from the Twin Cities on Tuesday nights post 9 p.m.

I know it’s unlikely, but I’m trying to minimize the carbon footprint of my graduate degree.

Get to the Point Awesome Art & Gift Fair – Saturday, Oct. 9

This Saturday is the 3rd annual Get to the Point Awesome Art & Gift Fair – all with local artists within about 30 miles of Duluth. Very cool items. Books, jewelry, candles, soap, and much more.
Lafayette Bldg, 3026 Minnesota Ave., 2 miles past the Lift Bridge.
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Saturday. 17 artists. Start your holiday shopping early. Pick out some things for yourself. Meet the people making the creative items.

Training for Change 11/12-14

From the Burmese jungle to coal mining towns in West Virginia, Training for Change (TFC) has for decades worked alongside grassroots activists to help them build more effective movements. This November 12-14, TFC is bringing its popular Training for Social Action Trainers (TSAT) to Duluth.

The TSAT is meant for activists, educators and organizers of all stripes who want to take their movement-building skills to a new level. Using experiential tools and small group discussion, the TSAT covers everything from workshop design to confronting racism. I highly recommend this training… but space is limited and filling quickly.

The fee is on a sliding scale ($150-$300) and includes all meals. Please don’t let cost be an obstacle: scholarships are available. Check out the Training for Change website for more details and to register.

Pumpkin Patch near Duluth

We have a little one that we would like to take to a pumpkin patch this year. Since we just recently moved to Duluth, we have no idea where to go.  Anyone know of any good pumpkin patches nearby? We’d prefer a pick-your-own-out-in-the-patch sort of place, but hey, beggers can’t be choosers.

Loup-Garou and Lotus Eater @ Beaner’s Central

Flier for Loup-Garou show

This Friday night Duluth’s own Loup-Garou will be taking the stage at Beaner’s Central along side St. Paul’s Lotus Eater for a night of rowdy and hearty indie-folk music.

Come enjoy some tunes whilst sipping a coffee drink, tea, beer, or eating a sandwich (might I suggest the Naughty Bird?), scone, or parfait.

Show starts at 8pm \ $5 cover charge \ only 2 bands \ all the smiles you can handle.

Lotus Eater: http://www.myspace.com/lotuseaterband
Loup-Garou: http://www.myspace.com/loupgarouduluth

Don’t they ever stop migrating?

Shawn Nicholas made it as a featured image in today’s Gizmodo post about photo composites.

Looking for Duluth apartment

A friend of mine is at her wits end trying to find a one-bedroom or studio apartment that is in a centralized Duluth location and is not totally ghetto. She is a sweet, responsible person and is about ready to give up hope, so if you have any ideas or leads, I’d really appreciate you leaving a comment. Thanks so much!

Fetus Makes Rolling Stone

The Electric Fetus is getting some love from Rolling Stone. It’s featured in a new list of the top 25 record shops in the United States.

Wednesday Happenings at Hartley

Today, September 15, at Hartley Nature Center:

5-7 p.m. Staff-led Mushroom and Plant Walk- join staff as we stroll through Hartley Park to see what’s growing.

7 p.m. AIS meet and greet – an introduction to the aquatic invasive species found in our area presented by Marte Thabes Kitson, Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Specialist and National Park Service Liaison for Minnesota Sea Grant.

More information at www.hartleynature.org

Heads up! 12th and 14th Avenues East are now two-way streets!

In case you missed it, or nearly had a head-on collision today … with little fanfare, East 12th and 14th Avenues are now two-way streets! No longer can drivers drag race up 14th in a dash to get to Burrito Union first. Gone are the days of stopping at every stoplight on 12th. Be safe out there.

We’re looking to partner with local landlords who own apt. buildings

We’re looking for landlords in Duluth who want to partner with our group that provides on-site mental health services.

Our model is that we provide on-site services within a particular building. We provide a variety of mental health services and are available beyond typical working hours. For example, we may be willing to rent an office in the apt. building- providing staff up to 24/7.

Yes, there are other programs out there. HDC provides outreach, case management. Also there are the HRA programs that provide Sec. 8, Bridges and Shelter Plus vouchers. Our model is something different that taps into additional funding streams and which allows us to be more on-site and responsive to people’s needs.

If anyone knows of landlords out there that own an apt. building and who may be interested in hearing how this program can help them I’d love to talk to them.

We want to get people the help they can use while also partnering with landlords to address the challenges that sometimes come with renting to individuals who need additional supports to live well in the community.

Thanks! I appreciate the help.

Lost Dog in Gary

Hi everyone. I’m a longtime lurker, first time thread-starter. I’m looking for your help in finding my grandparents’ lost dog in Gary.

Other Duluth PhD students?

I’m looking to form a PhD student group for those who would like to get together as a social support network. I’ve been living in Duluth for awhile after completing coursework and I’m struggling to stay on track since I’m so far away from peers and professors. Is anyone else experiencing the same thing? I’m thinking of having the group meet once a week or every other week–depending on schedules–and providing feedback on what we all write during the intervening time. I hope there’s at least one other person in Duluth who’s going through the same thing! Please contact me!

American Liver Foundation

This is Tyler Scouton from Bratwurst. If you know me, you probably already are aware. Two years ago this month I donated 60% of my liver to a family member that was in need of a transplant. This year my cousin is raising money for the American Liver Foundation – Liver Life Walk.

The goal is $300 and she is currently at $125.

I would love to put the call out and get her over the $300 mark.

Here is the link with more information and where you can sponsor her.