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Because We All Need to Wine a Little

The First Chinook – Proceeds help local Girl Scout Troop

Another great Christmas gift that helps support Duluth Girl Scout Troops 4154 & 4123.

A delightful picture book filled with true stories of adventure…
The First Chinook by David Pagel is the story of Arthur T Walden and his legendary sled dog, Chinook. Impressively illustrated by Rick Allen’s woodcuts and engravings, the story begins in the mid-Winter of 1917 when a golden-colored puppy was born in New Hampshire. Over the next 12 years Arthur’s enthusiastic dog would set mushing records, help popularize the sport of sled dog racing, and become legendary.

Specially priced at $15.

To order the book or for more info please email  thefirstchinook(at)gmail.com
Thank you…

So many, many thanks!

To Brian Barber of PDD for helping with our posts and donating artwork. To Claire for the books – and all the SA donors – Sharla, Joan, Diane, 4th St Lube, everyone. To Steve O’Neil for helping in the kitchen!!! To the Spin Collective for wowing everyone. To the fabulous musicians Terrrol and Jane, Dirty Horse, Rachael Kilgour and Too Many Banjos for knocking us out with their music. To everyone who came and donated, who ate spaghetti and bought silent auction items.

We raised $3,000 for the Kozyites and a great time was had by all. Thanks so much to our community. — Carla


Anyone have a sandblaster they might let me borrow for an afternoon?

Duluth Photography Institute Grand Opening

Food. Drink. Prizes. Entertainment. Great photography. FREE. Can it get any better than this? Come to the Grand Opening of the DPI on Saturday, December 4th from 4-8pm. Local photographers including featured artists Larry and Linday Dunlap will exhibit work in the gallery. 405 E Superior St. Suite 140. For more info, call Brian at 393.2468 or go to www.duluthphotographyinstitute.com

Biggest Challenge for Journalists is Not Slanting Headlines

“Biggest challenge for Kozy fire victims is finding shelter for the long term.”

“Biggest challenge for Kozy fire victims is finding new housing.”

“Biggest challenge for Kozy fire victims is finding digs for this winter, and the future.”

“Biggest challenge for Kozy fire victims is finding new accommodations that fall within income and professional requirements, as well as meeting preferred geographical placement and/or a proximal bus lines and/or with parking (and Wi-Fi wouldn’t hurt).”

“Biggest challenge for Kozy fire victims is finding new “bad area” to set up cardboard boxes from which to commit [perceived] continued nefarious crimes and victimize the upstanding, white citizenry of Duluth.

Maybe it’s just me. Link to original story.

New Lion or Gazelle EP

After an interminable two weeks since their last EP, Lion or Gazelle present their latest, Let’s Do Milli Vanilli Dance Moves & Forget About This Shit. As usual, downloads and streaming are free from the Bandcamp page or on Facebook.

Also, the band will be on 91.3 KUWS tonight at 10pm with Walt Dizzo. Tune in to hear some live tunes and an enlightening interview.

Duluth Photographers

Anyone have any recommendation for a local photographer? My wife would like a family portrait for Christmas, and I’d like to make her a happy woman.

My Experience with 300-foot Rule & House for Rent

With all this discussion of rental ordinances, I thought I’d offer my experience with the 300-foot rule. We were denied a rental license when we first applied, due to the 300-foot rule, but were granted a license upon appeal due to economic hardship. The appeals board seemed thoughtful and open-minded, and had clear criteria outlined for when they should grant a variance. While the 300-foot rule has been a difficulty for some, I observed 6 appeals the day I testified, and 5/6 were granted for what seemed to me to be good financial hardship cause. The 6th was denied for what appeared to be valid cause, too. Perhaps the rule is imperfect, but even though it did cost me some money and time and effort, I do believe our local government is being receptive to community needs. I’m glad the council and the mayor’s office is considering new rules to supplant the rule.

So, now that I have had the city inspection of the house, I am ready to offer it for rent. So, the house I have for rent: nice 3-bedroom, 1.5 bath house for rent not far from UMD/Scholastica–close to Chester Creek Park, great neighbors, walking distance to cafe/bookstore, two buslines close by–really an ideal location for the best of Duluth urban life. Off-street parking. Great deck. Hot water radiant heat, newer fuel oil furnace, new hot water heater. Looking to rent to a family, if possible. $900 month plus you pay utilities. If interested e-mail me for more details: [email protected].

Upset Duluth (Continued)

I was reading the DNT this morning and had to chuckle when I was reminded of Lundgren’s September post about upset Duluth resident photos showing up in the DNT on an approximately monthly basis. I am convinced of the conspiracy now. Who at the DNT is trying to spread negativity on the front pages?

Rental Reform – Read first, then substantiate your hatred

First of all, you can find the full summary and the proposed ordinance here.

The primary purpose of this ordinance is to acknowledge that it has become a business to convert single family homes into multi-tenant boarding homes in a way that maximizes income for the business owner.  That business model also puts stress onto the neighborhood because these homes and these lots were (in many cases) not designed to hold 5 or 6 college students each with their own car.  This business model is at the core of the student / resident conflicts.

The problem is not students, rentals, or renters.  I personally believe that we should have more of each in Duluth.  The problem is that when a person converts a 3-br single family home into a 5-br apartment building, they are maximizing income and externalizing the costs onto the rest of the neighborhood.

Workshop Opportunity with the Upright Citizens Brigade

The Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre  is the greatest producer of comedic talent in America today and the Upright Citizens Brigade Touring Company brings the very best of our theatres in NYC and LA directly to you.

The Upright Citizens Brigade Touring company will be in Duluth on Sunday November 14, 2010 at the Teatro Zuccone in Downtown Duluth. Show is at 7pm with a special opening performance by the Renegade improv team at 6:30pm. Tickets are $12/advance or $15/door.

The Upright Citizens Brigade will be hosting a workshop from 2-5PM on Sunday Nov. 14 and there are a limited number of spots open. The workshop is $30.00. Please contact Crystal at 218-336-1416 if you are interested in this workshop opportunity.

Day of Truth and Reconciliation

The Clayton Jackson McGhie Memorial folks and the various offices and commissions on diversity at UMD co-sponsored a day on “truth and reconciliation” on Nov. 4. The Griggs Center (a large multimedia-capable meet space seating 200, I’d guess) was filled with students, faculty and staff. Julia and Dick of CJMM walked the audience through the history of the lynching, the history of the memorial, and through some basic reflections on racism as personally experienced and as structurally defined.

The day included showing videos and a reading by Michael Fedo, as well as a tour of the Memorial.


I’m grateful that this resource was available to the UMD community. The day was a success.

Credit Union

This morning I miss my local credit union. Grocery store gone, hardware store gone, bank gone. It makes a difference to me.

How do you deal with criticism?

I’d really like to hear people’s honest response to how they are affected by the criticism of others.