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PDD Quiz: 2025 Coming Attractions

The first PDD Quiz of 2025 previews events, establishments and shenanigans coming to the Twin Ports this year.

A quiz reviewing the month’s headlines and happenings will be published on Jan. 26. Please email question suggestions to Alison Moffat at alisonlinnaemoffat @ gmail.com by Jan. 23.

New book of interest if you have friends at UMD

I love talking about the literary writing world here, but I rarely talk about academic writing. I’d like to, this time, because I just finished c0-editing a freshly published book with articles by some of your neighbors. They were intentionally written to be accessible to a broad readership.

Regional partnerships inviting proposals for community projects

The University of Minnesota Extension Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships are seeking proposals for projects related to sustainable agriculture and food systems, clean energy, natural resources and resilient communities.

I’m on the board for these proposals, and many of your neighbors throughout the region are, too. You don’t need to be a nonprofit — local businesses with community impact and individual citizens can apply, too!

The Most Read Saturday Essays of 2024

Saturday Essay logo generic

For the fourth year in a row, Jim Richardson has dominated the top of the charts. He has authored four of the five most read Saturday Essays of 2024.

Ashtrays of Duluth

In celebration of the nasty habits of smoking and advertising, collected here are various Duluth-branded ashtrays representing a variety of establishments.

PDD Shop Talk: Closing Out 2024

(Enter the amount of your choice.)

Perfect Duluth Day could not continue to be Duluth’s Duluthiest website without the support of its readers, donors and advertisers. So as another year comes to a close, we again say thanks for the love!

Selective Focus: Dunedinville

A few families in the Hunters Park neighborhood created Dunedinville during the pandemic when the only way to roam Bentleyville was by car. This past weekend, they gathered for the fifth year in a row, celebrating the holiday season in multiple yards. The gathering has grown since its first iteration and now includes its own website, podcast, origin story, board game, theme songs, live music and a comic book. The celebration is “famous for its killer sled tracks, fueled by in-house ice and snow-making capabilities.” Check out some of their slick slopes, light fixtures and moments from this year.

PDD Quiz: Merry Kiss Cam Filming Locations

‘Tis the season for cheesy holiday movies! This week’s quiz tests your knowledge of filming locations for Merry Kiss Cam, which was shot in Duluth during the summer of 2022.

A year-in-review PDD quiz comes your way on Dec. 29. Please email question suggestions to Alison Moffat at [email protected] by Dec. 26.

Illustrating Hunger and Homelessness: Anne Krisnik

Art by Nelle Rhicard at reframeideas.com.

A group of University of Minnesota Duluth faculty, students, and community artists came together to explore strategies to communicate the stories of frontline workers in housing and food insecurity.

Naomi has a Substack

If you have lived in Duluth a long time, you know (and maybe miss) the voice of Naomi Yeager. Naomi was an editor of the now-defunct Duluth Hillsider and also led the Budgeteer. It was under Naomi’s editorship that I got a lot of my non-PDD writing lessons — she was a great editor.

Naomi now maintains a SubStack. Link below if you want to hear her unique voice again.

Illustrating Hunger and Homelessness: Aparna Katre

Art by Nelle Rhicard at reframeideas.com.

Food insecurity, housing insecurity, poverty and social justice are intertwined, a knot of problems facing our community. Thirteen percent of Duluthians face food insecurity, and more than 54% of renter-households are rent burdened. Often these difficult social problems are addressed by nonprofit organizations that run food pantries or housing shelters. They build affordable housing and support people living on the street. While these workers are heroes, they are also human, and their stories are also intertwined with larger issues like poverty and social justice. These frontline workers are also often former college students who enter the job market with the consequential task of supporting those who others have left behind.

Getting Involved in Regional Sustainable Development

I spent two days this fall with the University of Minnesota Extension’s Northeast Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships, which brings community leadership to the table with the research and educational resources of the University of Minnesota. I’m the last half of that sentence, I guess.

Illustrating Hunger and Homelessness: Mary Baumgartner

Art by Nelle Rhicard at reframeideas.com.

A group of University of Minnesota Duluth faculty, students, and community artists came together to explore strategies to communicate the stories of frontline workers in housing and food insecurity. For example, UMD students met Mary Baumgartner who worked at the Chum Food Shelf in Duluth.

Philosophy and Dungeons & Dragons

Four philosophers and a philosophy student composed a panel discussing “Philosophy and Dungeons & Dragons” at Loch Cafe & Games on Nov. 13.

The juiciest talk was about the attempts to grapple with “race” in fantasy gaming. In the 1980s, in the Basic Edition of D&D, races and classes were conflated into a single descriptor. One could be an elf or a wizard or a dwarf or a fighter. “Professions” were sorted out from “races,” allowing an elf wizard to exist, but also leading to conversations about racial essentialism.

What is this?