Photos Posts

From the Photo Archive: Bob Dylan and Paul Simon at Bayfront


Bob Dylan and Paul Simon played a very muddy concert at Bayfront Festival Park on July 3, 1999. For some reason, I decided to wear a new pair of white sneakers. This photo is of my friend Chris’ shoes, but one of mine is creeping in on the bottom.

It was a great concert, and totally worth the destruction of a pair of shoes.

Happy sixth birthday to us

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Perfect Duluth Day is six years old today! The photos above are from the first year.

Stop by the Wine Bar at Chester Creek Cafe tonight and raise a toast to PDD. We’ll be there from 9ish to 10ish. Door prize: Two tickets to Suzanne Vega at Big Top Chautauqua on Aug. 29.

Rhubarb Festival

Rhubarb Panorama

I suggested the Chum’s Rhubarb Festival to Bob Collins for his News Cut Blog as something fantastically Minnesotan happening to cover this weekend for his blog. He said send him some pictures. No idea how to do that exactly as I don’t have his email, and not sure if he was even serious, but I had lots of fun taking pictures with a Speedy Wienie-eye view today. I also tweeted a bit between customers mostly about weather and music, you can read them by following @jprennquist.

Stewart Creek Railroad Bridge on DWP Trail in Duluth

What’s your favorite rickety old bridge in Duluth? Mine is called “Ass Bridge.” At least, that’s what I call it, for reasons that will become obvious if you read on. It’s an old railroad bridge over Stewart Creek in western Duluth. The northeastern side of the bridge is in the Riverside neighborhood, the southwestern side is in the Smithville neighborhood.


One of those enormous strings of balloons that arch across the street at the finish line for grandmas got loose and headed off into the heavens. Last seen flying high over Lake Superior headed south … I wonder where they’ll land or if they’ll ever be found … I wonder if there are tell tale marks on the balloons that will lead a finder to know they’re from Duluth. Hopefully they won’t end up in any bird or varmint bellies, that’s deadly. Any way to track them? Anyone else care but me? Anyone else get a better picture than this?


Grandma’s Marathon Bloody Mary Bar

Bloody Mary Bar

Thanks to everyone who came to my shindig. Aside from Bloody Marys, we had Mimosas, Coffee with Bailey’s, Biscuits and Gravy, lots of Fruit, a Ginormous Donut (thanks to Lucie and Jason), Lil’ Smokies, and Miniature Quiches.

Oh yeah, we watched people exert themselves while we sat in the shade sipping cool drinks. All in all, a really good day.


Bain News Service photo c. 1913

Bain News Service photo c. 1913

Pretty sporty.  Reminiscent of Soviet combat snowmobiles in basic concept.

Duluth Party on Madeline Island 2009

Isolate the hole, people. Isolate the hole.

Postcard from First Street

1st st crop

This is one of the ways I see the city I love. I saw the shoes hanging from the wire, the clock tower, and that brilliant blue sky and I needed a picture.

Where in Duluth…

Is this?

Where in Duluth?

… is this?




Jacobs Lake, Minnesota

Turtle Lake, Wisconsin

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Where is it?

Teal Doors