Photos Posts

Happy Duluth Winter Solstice!

A handful of yogis from Yoga North made it down to the shore this morning to welcome the sun on this special day, despite the clouds and the snow.

Thank you to all who came to share in the joy of this new day, new year, new season. Winter started with a bang. May the long time sun shine upon you!

Lake Steam

Sunrise and steam on Lake Superior

Topeka made a lot of news renaming itself (honorarily) to Google, and even got a nod back on April 1. Duluth promised to name its first-born children after Google. They are big on advertising so it’s a tough call which is worth more. (Though if you consider the cost of switching a city’s name, compared to the free and ever growing number of offspring…)

Honors and proposals aside, I hope Google compares its own search results for each city, especially the images. Granted there’s a lot more to consider than merely which of us is prettier, but we got soul power, and that should count for something.

Plus, free hugs. Just sayin.

J. J. Summers Agency, 1973

I got one for the Duluth History Detectives. Where was the J.J. Summers Agency located?

I just received an art book of the famous photographer Stephen Shore, and it was the following photo.

Caption reads: J.J. Summers Agency, First Street, Duluth, Minnesota, July 11, 1973.

I enjoy the rare opportunity to track down the locations of old famous photographs in the area to rephotograph and want to find this one. A quick cruise through Google Street view show a could of store fronts which still looks similar (Glenwood Signs) that I’ll go inspect, but any first hand accounts of the location, or records of an actual address would be great. Visual identification may be hopeless if it has been tore down or remodeled in the past 37 years.

2011 Lake Superior Photo Calendar by Shawn Thompson

I wanted to share my 2011 Lake Superior Photo calendar with you as I think many of you will enjoy looking at the images found within. This Calendar features images captured by me and showcases the North Shore of Lake Superior and surrounding areas.

The calendar is $19.99 but can be had for $15 until 12-31-10 if you use this code: GREATGIFT355

Bentleyville Tour of Lights 2010

That, my fellow Duluthians, is one big ol’ Christmas tree.

Men of Raleigh Street and Their Fish

Perhaps in another century people will pass around photos of you and try to piece together the details.

Who were these West Duluth guys? Did they all go fishing, or just the ones with their hats raised? Did they catch these 40+ fish on the St. Louis River or somewhere else? Did they have a boat?

Maybe none of that matters. What we know is that on one day in 1916 there was a mighty jubilant feast on Raleigh Street.

Lady of the Lake Warhammer Tournament

I don’t play, but I know an opportunity for cool pictures when I see it. The Lady of the Lake Warhammer Tournament was held at Dragon Port Games and Comics Saturday.

Select Images from Denfeld’s 1938 Oracle

Fly high, Duluth! Senior Ralph Eisenach takes a running broad jump.

Cats in the Window of the Kozy

I took this photo of a couple cats in the window of a ground level apartment in the Kozy on the morning of April 18th, 2008.

Cats in the Window of the Kozy

Introducing the Everyday Duluth 2011 photo calendar by Naomi Yaeger-Bischoff

June top collage page from Everyday Duluth Calendar 2011

Hi, Naomi Yaeger-Bischoff here. It’s soon holiday gift-giving season, and also the time of year to get calendars for next year, so it’s time for me to put an official post on Perfect Duluth Day about a personal project I put together to showcase my photography, the Everyday Duluth calendar. (You could say this is a shameless plug.)

Here is the story behind the calendar.

See a link to see a pdf of the calendar Everyday Duluth Calendar 2011 Naomi Yaeger

Trespassing at UMD’s Old Main in 1992


One summer night in 1992, when I was 19 years old, I came home from doing something forgettable and found three of my friends waiting for me. They said I should grab a flashlight and come with them on an adventure.

Google map update

I just noticed that a new satellite image of my neighborhood is on google maps. The area used to be fuzzy and green; it was hard to see the houses clearly. Now we can tell that two people were getting out of my minivan when the image of my house was taken. It was taken sometime this summer.

The photo posted here is the Hartley Nature Center parking lot, not far away. The screen-grab doesn’t look as clear as it does originally. Maybe your house has been updated, too?

Ghosts of Halloween Past

A pair of photos from the Boogieman Project — the NorShor Theatre’s Halloween party on Oct. 28, 2000.

Halloween banners

If you’ve got fabulous Halloween photos, it’s Halloween banner time. But hurry, ‘cuz I shoulda had this call out a couple weeks ago. We’ll start putting the Halloween banners up as soon as we get enough to rotate.

Halloween banners must follow the same guidelines as the other banners. Basically, the photos have to be cropped to 960 pixels wide by 167 pixels high. The Perfect Duluth Day logo will be added by PDD’s art department.

Send to [email protected]

I know it’s not the Twins but …

At least it’s not the Yankees. I’ve waited 39 years for this. Dad would be proud.