Photos Posts

Old photos of West Duluth on Facebook

West Duluth Memories (Duluth, Minnesota)

Unique Photographic Exhibition Saturday

4x: A Print Exhibition — Each photographic print was limited to 4 inches on one side! We have nearly 120 entries to this unique exhibit and it will prove to be a very cool show! Public opening reception Saturday, Feb. 19, from 5-8pm at the Duluth Photography Institute, 405 E. Superior St., Duluth. For more information on the DPI, visit or call Brian at 218.393.2468.

Timing is everything

photo“I was hoping to get the “A” down before some smart-ass came by and took a picture.”

“Well, you win some and you lose some.”

“I suppose this will be all over the internet tonight.”


“Elements of Exposure: Images Made on a 10,000 Mile Journey” opens Friday, Feb. 11

"In the Heart of Mount Olympus" captured in Olympic NP

Duluth nature photographer Ryan Tischer opens an exhibit of new photographs at Washington Gallery on Friday, Feb. 11 from 6-8pm. His images are a compilation of new work created over the past year on travels through twenty states, covering over 10,000 miles by car.

Basic photography workshop with veteran local instructor Dave Kohne

Basic Photography: Taking Great Outdoor Pictures

Hosted by the Duluth Photography Institute. Registration open all — you do not need to be a member of the DPI.

Instructor: David Kohne

Saturday, Feb. 26, 10am-4:30pm

Streets. Sidewalks. Alleyways.

 E 1st Street, 2010. by Kip Praslowicz
E 1st Street, 2010. by Kip Praslowicz

Streets. Sidewalks. Alleyways.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011.
Opening 6PM – 8PM

** Show will hang through the month of February 2011

Beaner’s Central

324 N. Central Avenue Duluth, MN 55806
(218) 624-5957

By area DPG Photographers, including:

Jason Huntzinger
Richard Narum
Kip Praslowicz
Brian Ravola
Bill Schwalbe
Edgewood Smith

Music will be performed by local artists during Beaner’s Open Mic.

Free photo exhibit submissions wanted

Submissions for 4x: A Print Exhibition at the Duluth Photography Institute will be taken until Friday, Feb 4. We have a lot of entries, but we could use even more! Anyone can enter images into the exhibit and there is no charge for submitting! The DPI will be open Thursday evening from 3-7pm and Friday from 3-6pm. Drop off your entries during these times or contact the DPI for more information. For the official “rules,” see

Duluth National Bank


Duluth National Bank, now the West End branch of U.S. Bank, was the subject of a “Where in Duluth?” post a month ago, focusing on its burglar alarm. Note that today’s burglar alarm is apparently not the original. It’s rounded at the top, while the one above is flat at the top.

The photo above appears to be circa 1922, which is when the building was built. The bank was founded in 1910, but was located across the avenue from this location.

8th Street Video on 9th Street is for sale

I’ve noticed a for sale sign on the 8th Street Video on 9th Street store.  Does anyone know why the owners are selling and what the owner’s plans are?

Also does anyone know the history of how 8th Street Video on 9th Street got its name?

What are the biggest sellers here: movies, ice cream or candy?

Laura MacArthur Elementary School A/V Cadets, 1979 to 1984

1979SeanBigler 1980BrownBunkersElsmore 1881RousJakubekGannucciDoherty 1982Hennes 1983PuglisiNetzel 1984VaydichPfisterMahle

Do the kids pose with Blu-ray players these days?

For those of you without a roster: Sean Bigler (1979); Tony Brown, Tom Bunkers and Steve Elsmore (1980); Scott Rous, Dominic Jakubek, Jim Gannucci and Patric Doherty (1981); Richie Hennes (1982); Patti Puglisi and Amber Netzel (1983); Chris Vaydich, Matt Pfister and Jason Mahle (1984).

Which camera is right for you?

Are you looking to purchase another digital camera, or just want to know more about what is out there? The Duluth Photography Institute has a free (for members) workshop on Thursday, Jan 20, providing insights on all the different choices out there! Don from First Photo will also be there with cameras for you to try out! E-mail the DPI to register. Members only — you can easily become a member for as little as $20/year by visiting

Karen Diver and Barack Obama

Fond Du Lac Chairwoman Karen Diver seated next to President Barack Obama at the 2nd White House Tribal Nations Conference in December. You can read about it in this months’s Fond Du Lac Band Tribal newspaper.

This story also made the DNT but somehow it only rated a “Faces and Names” mention in the DNT, below Shania Twain, Jermaine Jackson and Stephen Baldwin in the online version that I called up today. Who knows? Maybe they did another story somewhere but I missed it.

Blatnik Bridge Under Construction


I found this old slide and thought I would share it since these pictures seem to be a bit rare around here. It is a Kodachrome.

Duluth’s Point of Rocks

The main personality split in Duluth occurs about where an interfering spine of rocks comes down from the hill to Superior Street just a few blocks west of midtown. West of this point of rocks Duluth is politically left, east of it it is politically right. But there is a certain uniting force in cold weather, of which Duluth has its share.

–From “Duluth,” an essay by Arthur W. Baum
in the April 16, 1949, Saturday Evening Post

The Peerless Auto Body Fire post on PDD sparked some discussion of the former Peerless location near Point of Rocks, which led to some interest in the history of Point of Rocks.

So, here we go …

Where in Duluth?

Time once again to play Perfect Duluth Day’s marvelous photo quiz game, “Where in Duluth?” Where is this burglar alarm?