With the Homegrown Music Festival coming up, PDD launched a series of polls two months ago, tournament style, to determine which Duluth-area band has the sweetest pic. It is now down to the Final Four: Breanne Marie, Tangier 57, Southwire and Charlie Parr.
Quarterfinal #1:
Left: Breanne Marie (photo by Katlyn Kretzchmar)
Right: Tangier 57 (photo by Patrice Bradley)
Which band has the better publicity photo?
This poll is now closed. The results were:
Tangier 57 – 78.1 percent
Breanne Marie – 21.9 percent
Quarterfinal #2:
Left: Southwire (photo by Rich Narum)
Right: Charlie Parr (photo by Peter Lee)
Which band has the better publicity photo?
This poll is now closed. The results were:
Charlie Parr – 63.6 percent
Southwire – 36.4 percent
Note: Only people who are logged in to their Perfect Duluth Day blogging account are allowed to vote (to prevent people from voting multiple times). To create an account, click here. If you need help figuring it out, click here.