Photos Posts

Rhubarb on Rhubarb on Rhubarb: Chum’s 2013 Rhubarb Festival

You missed out if you weren’t able to make it out to the ninth annual Chum Rhubarb Festival this past Saturday. From rhubarb pies to rhubarb brats, the food pyramid was covered. Musician Charlie Parr headlined the festival with a performance in the afternoon. Here’s a sample of that tasty day!

Photos by Alex Leone.

Post-PDDX Banners

Back in April we announced that we’d be retiring all of the old banners. Well, the day has come, happy birthday to us, and sayonara to the old banners. Welcome the new, fresh banners. The old banners have been archived on Google Plus.

Happy tenth birthday to us

august-harry-potter barrett-chase beverly

Tree Planting in Duluth

Almost exactly a year after the historic flood, we found the timing to be refreshingly ironic as we set off on our annual tree planning exercise. Employees from Loll Designs, Epicurean, and Intectural all joined to plant trees in four areas around Duluth (Amity Creek, Hartley, Kingsbury Creek, and Featherstone Drive). As it is known, erosion from stream beds were hit hard from the flood and we saw that first-hand as we sought to plant and rehab those areas.

Stormy and beautiful by the lake

Whipping water and big waves this early morning at Glensheen Mansion on Lake Superior.

Flood Damage/Recovery

This little MPR piece with Derek Montgomery’s photos is the coolest.

Before and after photos: 2012 flood damage, recovery in Duluth, northeast Minnesota

Follow the link to see the flood photos from a year ago, then click on the image to transform it to a post-flood 2013 image.

Solitude Hill – Woodlawn Cemetery


This tiny old cemetery is about three miles off of Tower Avenue in Parkland, a town south of the city of Superior and east of the town and village of Superior, near the Nemadji Golf Club, at the end of Cemetery Road.

Bob Mould at Grandma’s Sports Garden

From Rock the Garden to Grandma’s Sports Garden, Bob Mould was a busy man this weekend. Here are some photos from last night’s gig with local band American Rebels as openers. Enjoy!

Punk show at the Flotsam Lounge

In the unmarked Flotsam building in downtown Duluth, punk-show goers treaded lightly on the pilewood flooring as they ventured down the decrepit steps and into the basement of this rock den. Now this, was a punk venue. The dimly lit corner of the room had just enough space for the essential gear of the bands and oozed the perfect ambiance as shadows of fans flickered across the brick walls. Here are some photographs from Friday night featuring Red Mountain (Duluth), the Ancient Gods (Houston, Texas) and Dead Dog (Athens, Georgia)

*sorry for the noise*

Photographs by: Alex Leone

Upset Duluth – Jacqui’s Market

For the Upset Duluth collection. Photo by Bob King.

Greysolon Plaza residents upset to lose their corner store as landlord goes upscale

The Largest of the Duluth Apostrophe’s

I don’t remember if this one has been added to the database yet here. I took this photo about a year ago, and noticed the sign is still up this week for all of I-35 traffic to see.

BWCA or Bust

The husband-and-wife photography team of Dawn M. LaPointe and Gary L. Fiedler have a pretty sweet online photo gallery. The canoeing snow-people in particular caught my eye. LaPointe and Fiedler have work on display at two Duluth stores — Duluth Pack in Canal Park, and the Frame Corner & Gallery downtown.

Granada Stage Bar

Here is a photo I took of the Granada Stage Bar during a snow storm in the early 1980s, a few years after moving to town. I don’t know or remember anything about it, including its actual location. In my mind I think it was on Superior St, but that organ has been wrong on a regular basis. Anybody have any knowledge of it?

Happy Smelting

Smelter: John Finkle
Photographer: Chelsea Froemke

Smelting posts from years past:
Where is the best place to eat smelt? (2012)
Duluth Smelting (2011)
Remember the glory days of smelting? (2010)

This week in LakeVoice: Community photography project

This week, LakeVoice released its first all-photo issue. The LakeVoice reporting team teamed up with community members to go out into Duluth and chronicle the faces of our diverse community. Check out our photo stories of a day in the life of a florist, a West Duluth mechanic, Lakeside business owners and the faces of Canal Park and the Lakewalk along with many other photos, including many submitted by community members.