Photos Posts

Selective Focus: Love

Kip Praslowicz

Kip Praslowicz, untitled

Some very sweet images this week, and I’m genuinely glad to see so many of you contented, but there must be angst, some “sturm und drang,” yes? The theme isn’t all rainbows and unicorns- this love business, as a salient hair band once averred, it “scars, it wounds and mars.” How we suture the injuries we sustain and those we inflict defines us more than any cleaving to cloying ideals.

Postcards from Congdon Park

Congdon Bridge Postcard One Cent

Feel the Love

Ness Tweet

Selective Focus: Capers

Kip Praslowicz

Kip Praslowicz, untitled

Maybe I slant toward the unorthodox, but I know that images exist of regrettable tattoos, cow-tipping episodes, and numerous other lapses in sense. Not that I’m remotely disappointed with this week’s submissions; stunts, escapades, etc. were very well-represented (ask Richard sometime for the story behind those axes and puckish grins).

Where in Duluth? #123

WID 1233

Time for another installment of Perfect Duluth Day’s ultra-thrilling photo-trivia sensation. Where in Duluth was this shot taken?

Seeking Homegrown Photographs

The Duluth Homegrown Music Festival is seeking 2014 festival photographs for inclusion in this year’s Homegrown Field Guide.

DVDs / thumb drives preferred. These will be for print, so they need to be large / high-quality.

Photographs of people and festivities and the spirit of Homegrown are much desired over a dude on stage with a guitar mid-guitaring with a guitar face.

To make arrangements, please contact adam [at] duluthhomegrown [dot] com. Thank you, fans!

Where in Duluth?

Free Hugs

Ok, this actually isn’t in Duluth, but I saw these today. And it’s pretty close to Duluth.

Free Compliments 1

Seeing these was surprisingly moving for me and gave me an opportunity to consider all of my relationships and re-evaluate my life direction. And, I mean that in a good way. Actually, what I mean is that compliments are so free, and pleasant, and often inspiring, and life-affirming and I don’t give them out enough. This was a great reminder and I hope the idea spreads.

I didn’t notice this until I uploaded the pictures, but the bulletin board message credits so these may be appearing elsewhere as well. Perhaps we’re on the edge of a movement.

Selective Focus: Hypercaffeinated

Hugh Reitan

Hugh Reitan, untitled

Interpretations of our theme ran the gamut this week from loose to literal, from graphical to perfectly-banal. However, Hugh Reitan’s hyperkinetic take was irresistible as a feature photo (regardless whether caffeine, or pure glee was the stimulant responsible). Based on some tales swapped at Tycoon’s, next week’s theme will be “capers” (no, not the pickled flowers- stunts, escapades, pranks).

Selective Focus: Vintage

Ava Francesca Battocchio

Ava Francesca Battocchio, “Nopeming”

Not an oenophile or single-malter in the house, eh? Not to worry, lots of other great takes on “vintage” this week. I even took some liberties to pair my Grandma Mohrbacher, on what looks like the Duluth pier (anyone?), with myself and my Grandpa’s Electrolux- a company he sold door-to-door for while living here in the ’20s. Fun facts.

Selective Focus: Perilous

Richard Narum

Richard Narum, untitled

Mother Superior seems to have held a prominent place in the psyche of many of you who considered our “perilous” theme. It conforms to a theory of mine regarding what makes this area so unique; when you’re daily reminded that life is tenuous, highs and lows are more pronounced, and halcyon days are more precious.

Selective Focus: Blanket Fort

Marija Majerle

Marija Majerle, untitled

This week’s theme is simple, merely a matter of where you feel secure; whether that’s among your family, with a loved one, even out in nature, or at a favorite watering hole. Next week let’s see images of the people, places, and things that make you insecure, test your mettle, and remove you from your comfort zone. We’ll call the theme “perilous,” and again, your broadest interpretations are encouraged.

Where in Duluth?


Saw this one this morning. It’s tiny, but it stood out, so maybe someone else will remember seeing it.

Found: The Elusive West Duluth Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl in West Duluth

If you’ve followed Perfect Duluth Day closely for more than a year, you might know that my wife and I are the world’s laziest and lousiest birders. We have cheap binoculars and cameras, and basically just try to keep an eye out while we are engaged in an activity like cross-country skiing. Last year, during an owl irruption in the Duluth area, we saw zero owls. The only snowy owls we had seen in our lives, before today, were in captivity at the Lake Superior Zoo and the World Bird Sanctuary in Missouri.

We had a few failed missions last year, seeking the elusive snowy at Rice’s Point and the Bong Airport. After hearing reports of sightings near Duluth Business University and Wade Stadium this year, we decided to give it another try. We saw a bald eagle at Grassy Point within minutes, and figured that was a good sign. We knew from reading Sparky Stensaas’ blog post about Superior Snowy Owls that it’s generally easier to find them in a stupid place, like on a football scoreboard (in his case) or a piece of industrial equipment (in our case) than in a beautiful wilderness environment, so we were only moderately surprised to find our gal at Erie Pier in West Duluth, perched on a bulldozer.

Selective Focus: Resolve

Margaret Harstad c/o Erika Fryklepak

Erika Fryklepak, untitled

With “resolve” I’d asked for images of what you’d like to leave behind in the new year — vices, habits, excess, etc. — as well as things you hope to carry forward and to cultivate — whether those are things as tangible as a garden, or more ephemeral- like say, gratitude, mindfulness, or empathy.

Where in Duluth?

Taylor Swift

Time for another installment of Perfect Duluth Day’s ultra-thrilling photo-trivia sensation. Where in Duluth was this shot taken?