In an attempt to actually make money from the art we create, we invite you to join us for a fun evening of art, snacks, dress up clothes, and dance parties.
The art will be cheap and priced to sell, with many pieces starting as low as $5. Now is your chance to own work from these special artists:
Jennie Lennick
Ginny Maki
Suzanne Wyss
Dave Moreria
Sarah Worley
Morgan Pease
Adam Rosenthal
Chris Hagen
Savannah Villa
Maria Johnson
Michael Beachy
Katherine Lamb
Brent Erickson
Sean Elmquist
Rob Kaiser-Schatzlein
Melanie Sternberg
Brian Ring
Marisa Ring
Niki Burger
Sophie Gray
…and probably more!
Also! music by Red Mountain!
Please come, bring your friends and enemies, and support young artists!