History Posts

If you’re ever up in Duluth, remember to look me up

The 1981 comedy/action film The Cannonball Run includes a mention of Duluth. Lamborghini Girls #1 and #2, played by Adrienne Barbeau and Tara Buckman, respectively, are pulled over for speeding. In a successful effort to sweettalk the highway patrol, the girls supply him with a phone number.

“If you’re ever up in Duluth, remember to look me up,” Buckman says.

Duluth Waterfront Aerial Photo Circa 1903

This image from the Minnesota Digital Library, contributed from the Kathryn A. Martin Library Archives & Special Collections is estimated to be from the year 1903 — 120 years ago. It shows the Duluth Shipping Canal prior to construction of the Aerial Bridge, along with views of Canal Park, Rice’s Point and the old West End.

West Duluth before the Interstate

1939 aerial photo from the UM

MnDOT’s John Bray wrote in The Will and the Way: “Approximately 700 homes were razed or moved in West Duluth” to make way for Interstate 35.

The Black Labels at the Red Lion Lounge in 2004

Gomez takes lead guitar on this ditty during the Winter Riot at the Red Lion Lounge — Dec. 18, 2004. This show featured a mix of surf, rock ‘n’ roll, and reggae tunes. If anyone still has a Winter Riot T-shirt, I’d be interested in obtaining it.

Video Archive: Miller Hill Mall Grand Opening in 1973

From the WDIO film archive, raw footage of Miller Hill Mall’s grand opening on July 25, 1973 — 50 years ago today. A crowd is seen gathered in the center court near the Flagg Bros store as Duluth Mayor Ben Boo and other luminaries pull apart the ceremonial ship’s chain.

Duluth’s historic Wirth building gets facelift

The historic Wirth building, 13 W. Superior St., at left, received a major facelift this month. Owners said more than 30 splaying limestone blocks were replaced or repaired. (Photo by Mark Nicklawske).

A historic architectural gem in Duluth received a major facelift this month as crews repaired the aging facade of the city’s first pharmacy — a building that now serves as home to a couple that pioneered downtown living in the 1990s.

Postcard from the Babes on Park Point

This undated postcard features a trio of sunbathing beauties on Park Point circa the 1960s.

The Acceleratii – “Seven Nights to Rock”

Some time after Steve “Gomez” Mahlberg and Ben Marsen played in the Hadjis and the Black Labels, they created some great rock and roll with the Acceleratii. This is from their 2011 self-titled CD.

Love and Kisses from Duluth in 1903

This Detroit Publishing Company postcard of Duluth is copyright 1902 and was mailed July 16, 1903 — 120 years ago today. The writing at the left indicates the temperature that day was 71 degrees.

At the Rex? – Aug. 17, 2014?

Can anyone refresh my memory if this was a Hadjis or a Black Labels reunion show?

Duluth Boat Club racers trained on Shredded Wheat Biscuit

The Duluth Boat Club Eight Oared Crew won the Senior Eight Oared Race in the Northwestern International Regatta at St. Paul in July 1913 — 110 years ago — according to this Shredded Wheat Company advertisement.

Watson Silver and Lift Bridge Spoons

Ad for Watson Silver

As I read some of the magazines I purchased from the Duluth Public Library, I am impressed by a sense that the library bought magazines to suit the aspirations of the Zenith city. Magazines celebrating the fancy life might feel a little out of place in a public library today, but Duluth in the 1920s was a city that had some millionaires and wanted the world to think it had more.

We can see that in the ad above, taken from an interior design magazine, for Watson Silverware.

Video Archive: Green Man 2003

The second annual Green Man Festival was held at Spirit Mountain 20 years ago this week — July 11-12, 2003. The event featured more than 30 music acts — the Big Wu, Wookiefoot, Shannon Wright, Heiruspecs, the Black-eyed Snakes, Ol’ Yeller, Mark Mallman, White Iron Band, Cry on Cue, Spider John Koerner, Charlie Parr, Haley Bonar, etc.

Embedded above is local television news coverage of the event.

Seeking info on the Hadjis and the Black Labels

I hope this brings back memories to all the fans of Duluth’s music scene. I am beginning research into two Duluth bands from the past, namely the Hadjis and the Black Labels.

Video Archive: Proctor Speedway, 1983

This video from July 10, 1983 — 40 years ago today — features the Mid-season Championships at the Proctor Speedway.