History Posts

Historic Housing Project in Morley Heights

I am a journalism student at UMD, working on a story that involves Morley Heights, a neighborhood in East Duluth. I am curious to learn more about this neighborhood that was once constructed in Barksdale, Wis. Many of the homes were then moved to Duluth for employees working at the Marshall-Wells Company. It has been said that some of these homes were probably purchased from the DuPont Company at Barksdale and then each were floated across the lake to be re-constructed in Morley Heights. If someone has more information on this housing project or a connection with a potential source for my story, I would greatly appreciate it!

Quote of the Day

I have this quote framed and hanging on my wall in my den. I found it when I first moved to Duluth. Thought PDD’ers might be interested.

“Sometimes when I become discouraged, I say to myself, I should have gone to another city to seek my fortune. But then I look over these hills and see the natural beauty of our community, I console myself and wonder — where in all the wide world could I find a view like this?” — Samuel Snively

Duluth National Bank


Duluth National Bank, now the West End branch of U.S. Bank, was the subject of a “Where in Duluth?” post a month ago, focusing on its burglar alarm. Note that today’s burglar alarm is apparently not the original. It’s rounded at the top, while the one above is flat at the top.

The photo above appears to be circa 1922, which is when the building was built. The bank was founded in 1910, but was located across the avenue from this location.

Nuts & Bolts; Silver & Gold: In-depth tour of Glensheen offered

Not your standard house tour: get ready to explore the complexities of Glensheen, the historic Congdon estate. From the innovative to the luxurious, this is a rare opportunity to take a closer look at this national treasure on the shores of Lake Superior.

Gallery Talk by Jennifer Webb

Saturday, Feb. 12, 2 p.m.
Free and open to the public.
Tweed Museum of Art, University of Minnesota Duluth

Art History is a scholarly treasure hunt!  Learn where University of Minnesota Duluth Art History Professor Jennifer Webb‘s research “took” her as she studied works of art hanging in Glensheen: the Historic Congdon Estate, learned more about Chester and Clara Congdon’s collecting practice, and examined treasures in the Glensheen Archive.  She will explain how all the “findings” from this academic adventure came together in the article “Golden Age Collecting in America’s Middle West” published in May 2010.

8th Street Video on 9th Street is for sale

I’ve noticed a for sale sign on the 8th Street Video on 9th Street store.  Does anyone know why the owners are selling and what the owner’s plans are?

Also does anyone know the history of how 8th Street Video on 9th Street got its name?

What are the biggest sellers here: movies, ice cream or candy?

Laura MacArthur Elementary School A/V Cadets, 1979 to 1984

1979SeanBigler 1980BrownBunkersElsmore 1881RousJakubekGannucciDoherty 1982Hennes 1983PuglisiNetzel 1984VaydichPfisterMahle

Do the kids pose with Blu-ray players these days?

For those of you without a roster: Sean Bigler (1979); Tony Brown, Tom Bunkers and Steve Elsmore (1980); Scott Rous, Dominic Jakubek, Jim Gannucci and Patric Doherty (1981); Richie Hennes (1982); Patti Puglisi and Amber Netzel (1983); Chris Vaydich, Matt Pfister and Jason Mahle (1984).

Charred Layer of Mystery Sediment

Last summer I was digging post holes in my yard near 47th Avenue East and Superior Street and was finding, about a foot down, a two-inch band of mysterious ashen charcoal material everywhere I dug.

I doubt many geologists are trolling on PDD, but I wondered if this could’ve been from the great fire of 1918, or if anyone else has discovered a similar oddity? It must take longer than 90 years to accrue over twelve inches of clay.

There was a documentary on the fire recently which mentioned the local neighborhoods affected, mostly to the west. Prehistoric shoreline fire? Site of ancient burning ritual? I guess it would be interesting to know if anyone has evidence of the fire near their dwelling anyway.

1970s pop culture quiz on Piedmont ski trail

The cross-country trail at Piedmont is in great shape … but in what shape is your 1970s pop culture mastery? Know your Lip Smackers from your Mayberry RFD? Test yourself against the punny wisdom of Piedmont’s wooden signs at my North Shore blog.

R.I.P. James Bothwell, 1986 Principal, Morgan Park School

James W. Bothwell died on Jan. 13. He had a long career as a teacher and principal in St. Paul, but in 1986 he had a stint in Duluth as Morgan Park Junior High School’s interim principal, following the mid-school-year retirement of longtime principal Milan S. Karich and preceding the launch of Jon Vomachka’s reign.

I was in seventh grade and not much of an outlaw during Bothwell’s brief term, so I don’t have any good stories to relate, but I remember him seeming to be quite a nice guy. Does anyone have more specific memories to share?

Greysolon Plaza elevator death in 1979 — fact or urban legend?

A woman I know from my hometown is an alumnus of UMD, and said that while she was in school UMD had the same overcrowding problem that it has now. Instead of housing students at Edgewater, they housed them at the Greysolon Plaza. She also said that there was an elevator accident in which some UMD students were killed. I can’t find this information anywhere online, can anyone confirm that this actually happened?

Northern Brewing Company in Superior

Northern Brewing Co

I work at what was the old Northern Brewing Company building in Superior, now Balcum Appliance, Inc. Some people stop in and tell me stories about when it was the brewery. I was just doing some research about the building and not much comes up. I was just curious if anyone had a little knowledge about the Northern Brewing Company or stories to share regarding it. I would really love to see pictures of it also. I hear that there was another section of the building which has been torn down. Any information is greatly appreciated.

Duluth’s London Road Motel Row

Back in the 1950s and later on London Road was called Motel Row. Can anybody recall the names of the motels? I can only recall the Viking Motel and the Lake Aire Motel. What were the others? Does anybody have some old postcards to post? I have only the Viking Motel postcard and matches. I wish to recall the others! Chime in please!

The Duluth Mongoose

The true story of how an aroused public saved the life of a single little animal condemned to death by the Federal government.

Blatnik Bridge Under Construction


I found this old slide and thought I would share it since these pictures seem to be a bit rare around here. It is a Kodachrome.