“Wright Around Ya,” the always smiling Jammer for the Harbor City Rollerdames,, led the team to a big victory tonight over Fargo. Part ballerina, part .44 caliber bullet as she rockets around the track in Pioneer Hall, “Wright Around Ya” worked her way through the crowds to score — a lot, as did Killer Cleta and Gypsy. All the team deserves a nod, but I’d love to see “Wright Around Ya” featured in an article in the DNT or on Fox 21.
[I missed Mic Wicked, who set the circle on fire the last time I watched the Dames. But the Norwegian Squirrel is doing alright.]
I have a question, though. The games seemed a much slower pace tonight — I realized that the pack was circling the track a lot slower, sometimes almost stopped. What is up with that kind of play? I’d love to hear from an expert. And I’d love an actual score — I forgot to write it down.