Events Posts

Free Tour and Talk

Duluth Art Institute Depot galleries
A free tour and talk with UMD instructor, Lucy Kragness, on the history of photojournalism and Esther Bubley’s role in the story. Think of it like Summer School – but fun!

Lynx on its way

Captain LeeAnne Gordon of the Tall Ship Lynx informed the folks at Visit Duluth today that she estimates her ship’s arrival in Duluth at 3:30 p.m. The Lynx is sailing into the harbor for the Duluth Music and Maritime Festival. This will be the first visit to Duluth for the 114-ton Lynx, an interpretation of a privateer or naval schooner from the War of 1812.

Big Rummage Sale

Unitarian Universalist Church
835 West College St
Thursday, July 14, 4-7
Friday, 8-4
Saturday, 8-3

Ty Cobb at the Love Shaq

Indian Tacos Friday in Lincoln Park

Friday, July 15, from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. at the Lincoln Park Skate Shack. Proceeds go to Twin Ports Action Coalition.

Indian tacos are only $5, dessert frybread is $3 and the new ultimate dessert frybread is $4.

Delivery available – call 218-260-5390 or 218-213-4943.

Twin Ports Action Coalition is a group working on ending homelessness and poverty in the northland.

Parks Commission Presentation About Magney Snively Park

The Duluth Parks and Recreation Commission’s next monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 13. This public meeting will be held at the Parks and Recreation office located at 12 E. Fourth St., beginning at 4 p.m.. An informational presentation will be made by City of Duluth staff person Tim Howard regarding the transfer of the Levang property from the Nature Conservancy to the City for the purpose of expanding Magney Snively. A complete agenda for this meeting is available at the Parks and Recreation office. For more information, call Parks and Recreation at 730-4300.

Miller Creek Disc Golf Public Meeting

The public is invited to attend a public meeting at the Parks and Recreation office building/Central Hillside Community Center located at 12 E. Fourth St. (corner of Lake Avenue and Fourth Street) on Wednesday, July 13 at 6:30 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the future of the Miller Creek Disc Golf Course. Among the issues to be discussed are: potentially moving/removing baskets, long term maintenance and trash collection and creating better playing conditions. For more information contact [email protected] or 218-269-4712.

RT’s Concert After Twin Ports Bridge Fest

Check out the Half Hearts, Yester, Hot Ashes and the People Say Fox this Saturday night after the Twin Ports Bridge Festival.

R.T. Quinlan’s
July 9, Saturday, 9PM
21+, $5 cover

All four groups are doing incredibly well this year.

At Sara’s Table Friday Night

The date on the poster is wrong. The show will be Friday, July 8.

Toss some lutefisk with Miss North Shore

While the Duluth media are all abuzz about the Bridge Festival and the return of Dances on the Lakewalk, the most authentic local culture this weekend is up in Two Harbors, at Heritage Days. Toss some lutefisk, ice-scream-socialize at the bandshell with the community band, and follow the machinations of the Miss North Shore contest. More information and links are on my blog.

Le Cirque Rouge Cabaret & Burlesque Show Tickets and/or Contest Thingy!

Were you planning on going to Friday night’s Le Cirque Rouge show but don’t have your tickets yet? You’re in luck! I’m a dumbass and accidently bought 4 tickets when I meant to buy 2! Take advantage of my error in resubmitting browser form data by winning or buying 2 tickets to Friday night’s show!

Jewish Immigration History in the Twin Ports

Thursday, July 7, noon
Duluth Art Institute, Depot Building

The Duluth Art Institute welcomes Dr Robert Goldish as he explores some highlights from Jewish immigration history in the twin ports. Learn about some of our community’s founders and leaders and their personal stories and lives. The event and accompanying air conditioning are free; guests are welcome to bring their own lunch.

Yoga Tent at Bridge Fest this weekend

I am confident that you already have your ticket for this weekend’s outdoor music festival — Twin Ports Bridge Festival — but wanted y’all to know that there will be yoga happening most of the day (offered by Yoga North and Deep Peace Wellness) — included in the cost of the ticket.

Below is the yoga schedule for the day:

Recollections – Paintings by Emma Rustan

Recollections – New artwork by Emma Rustan
Art Reception Friday, July 8, from 6pm – 9pm
Washington Studios Artist Cooperative, 315 N. Lake Ave.
Live music with violinist Wendy Dane

Le Cirque Rouge Cabaret & Burlesque Show comes to Duluth

Le Cirque Rouge Cabaret & Burlesque Show was founded in 2003 by Duluth native Amy Buchanan and is responsible for bringing Burlesque back to Minnesota for the first time in 50 years!

Featuring a full band, triple-threat dancers, and world-class singers, Minneapolis-based Le Cirque Rouge has been called one of the best cabaret and burlesque shows in the world, with over 500 performances under their belt.

Performances are Friday and Saturday July 8, & 9 at 7:30PM at the Teatro Zuccone in Downtown Duluth. Tickets are $15. Advanced ticket sales are available at Teatro Zuccone box office: 218-336-1414.