Here’s a sampling of what you have to look forward to this week on the PDD Calendar.
You can attend some open houses this week. The YMCA is having an open house Tuesday through Sunday and Yoga North is having one on Sunday.
You can hear District 07B state representative candidates Travis Silvers, Jay Fosle and Erik Simonson at a live forum on Wednesday at the Play Ground.
Just to emphasize the passing of summer, Aaron Kloss opens a showing of his acrylic paintings collectively entitled “Awesome Autumn” at Beaner’s this Thursday.
Bayfront will be hosting the Lake Superior Harvest Festival this Saturday with food and live music and live demonstrations of blacksmithing, beekeeping, and “goat ladies.” I’ll leave the last to your imagination.
The Sixth Annual Burrito Union 5 & 10 Hour Triathlon will also be this Saturday in Pattison State Park.
Garfield Avenue will be the domain of hot rods and roadsters this weekend for the Duluth Drag Race.
So what are you doing this week? Can we tag along? Any upcoming events that you want to promote? Let us know!`