Here’s a sampling of what you have to look forward to this week on the PDD Calendar.
This is the last week of the regular season for the Duluth Huskies at Wade Stadium, so you only have a handful of chances to take in a game.
Tomorrow night is National Night Out with neighborhood get togethers all over Duluth. Get out and meet your neighbors.
The Nettleton World Beat Drummers are playing with Mu Daiko at Bayfield this Wednesday. With Nettleton School now closed, I’m guessing this will be one of the last performances of the group. Anyone knowing differently, let me know in the comments.
Renegade‘s Burnt Part Boys, a musical about mining in West Virginia, opens at the Teatro Zuccone this Thursday and runs for three weekends.
At the Duluth Playhouse Metamorpheses and Grease open on Thursday and Friday and run for two weekends. These plays are part of the Summer Youth Intensive program where the cast for one show is the tech crew for the other show, so the kids you see on the stage on Thursday, will be running the show behind the scenes on Friday.
Bayfront Blues Festival is this coming weekend, running Friday through Sunday.
This weekend will also be the Festival of Fine Art and Craft at Glensheen on Saturday and Sunday.
So what are you doing this week? Can we tag along? Any upcoming events that you want to promote? Let us know.