News and Current Affairs Posts

Finally (part two)


Soon-to-be (?) U.S. Senator Al Franken, D-Minn.

Girl’s hockey co-coach stepping down is reporting that Amber Fryklund has stepped down as co-coach of the Duluth Northern Stars high school girl’s hockey team. The team’s other co-coach, Jim Knapp, stepped down in late May. Read more.

WCCO Reports: Favre will be at Vikings’ training camp

Brett Favre a viking for realI know. I know. We have heard so much about nothing about this that, who cares? Well this is finally news that seems pretty legit coming from WCCO.

Wonder if Cory Hollenhorst thought Favre would ever actually be a Viking when he doctored up this SI cover as a joke? According to WCCO’s Mark Rosen it seems Favre will be a Viking and the equipment manager already ordered the Purple #4.

Well I guess the good news is we will not throw a 3-yard dump off to the fullback on a 3rd-and-8 with Favre at the helm. Can you say Super Bowl?

Green Brief 7

“Mousavi and Khatami’s offices have told their supporters to use a different tactic to get their demands by going to the bazaars with their families everyday starting Tuesday at 9 and not buy anything at all. If anyone is to ask them, they’re to say they’re there to shop.”

Read more.

Howie Blog: Pies ‘n boats

Volunteers have prepared over 900 pies for Saturday’s 5th annual Rhubarb Festival.

“We are even selling rhubarb burritos again this year,” Pies and Treats committee co-chair Char Juntunen said in a prepared statement. “We tried the Burritos last year at the last minute and they were a hit!” Read more.

Row, row, row your boat

Over 250 rowers from more than six clubs are expected to compete in the Duluth Rowing Club’s 51st Annual International Rowing Regatta on Saturday, July 11. Read more.

From the Ripsaw Archive | June 1999


Ten years ago, cartoonist Israel Malachi poked fun at Duluth City Councilor Marcia Hales for pushing an ordinance that made it a ticketable offense to play a car stereo loud enough to be heard 50 feet away.

Perfect Duluth Domestic Partnership

The city of Duluth opened Domestic Partnership registration yesterday (apparently nobody showed up). You can find info & forms here.

Helpful American


“Injured protests are confirmed to be being removed from hospitals and taken away.” [ ]

Proxy Info | Anonymous Iran | Tehran 24 | Tatsuma’s Iran Update
Green Brief 6 | Green Wave Info | Hackers Without Borders

Chris Raabe wins Grandma’s Marathon


Here’s Chris Raabe with a half-mile lead passing Ironic1’s house. He’s the first Minnesotan since Dick Beardsley to win Grandma’s Marathon! Yowza! It was a hot one out there.

Where will you hide this weekend?

With the impending Grandma’s Marathon, where is the best place to hide?

Father’s Day

animal dads

Some father’s day notes …

I read this great book (above) to my daughter at the dentist’s office yesterday. Working with fathers for my “real” job, I notice these things like how medical offices are decorated and set up, many are very friendly to mothers (great), but some are a little daunting for dads (too bad). It’s wonderful that in addition to providing great quality and accessible health care, the Lake Superior Community Health Center also makes an extra little effort like this to make dads feel comfortable and welcome at their kids’ appointments.

I read a lot of books for kids and adults about dads, this book was really great I had never seen it before. I think it would make a good father’s day gift for a dad of school age kids, or one who appreciates crafty art like Steve Jenkins’ paper cut images in the book ….

My proposal: Superior-to-Skyline Run

It’s Grandma’s Marathon week, so runners will be flooding into town for the long, rolling race along the shore of Lake Superior. It’s an iconic setting and an iconic race.

I’ve wondered a few times since moving here, though, if there should be another iconic running race in Duluth, one that celebrates another facet of Duluth like Grandma’s celebrates the lake. My proposal: A run from the shore of Lake Superior to the top of the hill. Call it the “Superior-to-Skyline Run.” Short, simple and steep. Let’s start crowning Duluth’s Kings (and Queens) of the Hill.

RIAA In Duluth


Ars Technica coverage of the trail can be found here.

You Gotta Go

It’s quilters vs. poets in the ultimate face-off in Duluth. This weekend, see the po-po-poetry take on the stitch-stitch-stitchers in what promises to be a fight to the death. Watch as quilting bees are disrupted with spoken word jams with gangs from each side rumbling over the merits of hands-on artistry vs. word assembly. It’s tactile vs. fragile. Quilts against quatrains.

It all starts Thursday when the heavyweights of QuiltCon and PoCon square off. Beatrice Ludden takes on Rainbow Star. Val Struthers takes her needle against Will Strom’s pen.

It all leads to the ultimate showdown Saturday night when the machines take center stage for an inhumane stand-off: Stitcher 2000 vs. Thesaurus Rex. Be there as lines and threads are crossed with any means necessary to come out on top.

It’s all at the DECC, and in the alleys after dark. Take a stitch in rhyme and see this mixed arts extravaganza melee. Limited engagement, only in Duluth.

Honking Tree Commentary on MPR

Like many North Shore residents, commentator Catherine Conlan had come to see the 113-year-old white pine as much more than a tree.