News and Current Affairs Posts

MPR interview with Mayor Ness – Duluth tries to land high-speed Internet via Google

The mayor of Duluth is ready to throw his city’s hat in the ring for a new Google experiment to test ultra-high speed Internet access.

MPR’s Steven John talks to Don Ness about his city’s plan.

The axe falls again at the DNT

What happened?

The News Tribune laid off two employees today, including education reporter Sarah Horner.


It’s a long story. And I’ll preface it by saying that while this comes from someone on the union side of the fence, what follows are facts that I don’t believe the company would protest.

Duluth antique dealer sick of appraising Smurf collections

Antique dealer sick of appraising Smurf collections.

The Onion just republished this 2002 story, which many of you may have missed eight years ago.

Gigabyte broadband from Google – in Duluth?

Here’s a press release we’ll be sending out about our intent to explore Google’s offer to bring gigabyte speed broadband to an entire community.  There are many unanswered questions and any application may be a long shot, but it would be a game-changer for Duluth.  I think it’s worth putting our best foot forward and see what happens…  If you want to help out, check the bottom of the post.  See you around…  Don

Mayor Don Ness has indicated the City of Duluth‘s intent to pursue a partnership with Google to bring fiber-to-home connections to city residents.  Google plans to select a community to test ultra-high speed connections at more than a gigabit per second later this year through a competitive process.

The following is a statement from Mayor Ness on the city’s intent:

We want Duluth, Minnesota to be at the forefront of a new gigaband revolution in America.  For America to be competitive into the future, we need to be aggressive at investing in our data infrastructure.  To unfairly paraphrase Tip O’Neill “All bandwidth use is local” – Google’s community initiative will be a powerful tool to demonstrate the positive impact of local broadband improvements.

Denfeld and Ordean – DNT nails it

I think today might be the third time the Duluth News Tribune has editorialized that Duluth’s two high schools (when the long range facilities plan is complete) should be called Denfeld and Ordean. (‘Denfeld,’ ‘Ordean’ preserve past, discourage east-west divide.)

I couldn’t agree more, and I wish the school district would finally put this issue to rest. Are you with me, people?

That Didn’t Take Long

Referring back to an earlier PDD post on Supreme Court decision related to “Corporate Free Speech.”

So, they say they’re doing it ironically, but a liberal PR corporation is now running for Congress. Here’s a NY Times brief news, and funny-scary first campaign video. How long before a corporation actually does run for Congress? Any Duluth bookies making odds on that?

Thanks, mevdev, for sending me this one.

Minnesota Olympians


I am not a huge sports watcher. I like the Vikings, I appreciate the Twins and once in awhile I will watch a bit of the NCAA Men’s BB Tournament in March. But I do enjoy the Olympics. Especially the Winter Olympics. And I think part of the reason that I appreciate the winter games so much is that there are so many local athletes. I’ll admit, my favorite aspect of the “Miracle on Ice” game from (ouch) 30 years ago now is that so many Minnesotans played a role in that underdog-david-vs-goliath-come-from-behind-victory.

Here are a few lists of Minnesotans that are in the Winter Olympics in Vancouver from Bob Collins MPR NewsCut blog, and the Star Tribune, plus a cursory search of the NBC Winter Olympics web page.

Help Duluth YMCA Camp Miller get 50k grant from Pepsi Refresh Project.


double-decker-high-ropes-coThe local Duluth Area Family YMCA is in the running for a grant offered by Pepsi in their “Pepsi Refresh Project” (Learn more here) to build a high ropes course at Camp Miller. They are current ranked #2 and need your help by voting for them.  It is easy, click, signup and vote. Vote now here — >:


Comment on Sulfide Mining

Please remember to comment on the toxic PolyMet metal-sulfide mine Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) if you haven’t done so already.

The deadline is this is 4:30 p.m. this Wednesday, February 3, 2010.

We can’t allow Minnesota’s rivers to be damaged by acid mine drainage like rivers have been throughout Montana, Pennsylvania, and Ontario. Making comments creates an important public record for future lawsuits.


More Info:

Please pass this allow to any friends who might be interested.

Jitterbug’s Newscast

I thought that the “1000 foot shitters” was great but she may have topped it with “I am still stuck on the beaver!”

Good luck in Haiti. Miss you on the news!!

Wind Power Jobs

The news this morning of a major wind company considering Duluth, Superior, and the Iron Range is something we should really go after. There are four states in the running. If you like this type of development, contact your congressman. I’m sure they know about this but I think it would be really important to go do this. This could be huge for Duluth. This opportunity will not come every day. Thanks to those folks who were out front on this and got it to this stage. Anything I can do to help, ask.

Minnesota video producer’s contest-winning commercial won’t air during the Super Bowl

Despite being re-cut CBS ruled the spot, featuring a couple cubical clowns breaking wind, broke the barrier of good taste.

Northland’s News Center? (the MLK version)

Actual Screen Shot of "black male" story from NNC story 9 am Today

Came here to post on this but I see dlhmn beat me to it with a comment on my earlier post Northland’s “News” Center?

SMDC Rejects Contract Offer, Authorizes Strike

FYI, SMDC netted $28.7 million in profits (despite being a “nonprofit” hospital) in 2007 and purchased over $5 million worth of property last year. CEO Peter Person makes $1.1 million per year. The average medical transcriptionist makes just on the threshold of a living wage – $35,000 per year. Solidarity! (Stay tuned for info on how you can help out…)

Recovering from Christmas (seen in Duluth)

A couple of items that struck me today. People apparently just dump their old trees in the Mount Royal Shopping center parking lot. And this sign didn’t seem to be doing much to stop them.

I also have been seeing a lot of construction equipment out clearing sidewalks. Near as I can tell about 2/3 of the city is covered in 2 inches of ice. Beneath the snow, that is.