udarnik Posts

In case you’re looking …

norshor theater stripper stage

Looking for a Guitar Setup

I’m wondering if anyone has recommendations about someone who can do guitar setups in the Twin Ports. Thanks!


From the Star Tribune.


Nokomis in Wall Street Journal

Nokomis, the restaurant on the North Shore between the French and Knife rivers, gets play in the Wall Street Journal:

Dinner Deep in Walleye Territory

The premise of the piece? “There’s good eats in places other than New York and L.A.” What do we learn from it? “Walleye is a very big deal hereabouts.” In any case, congrats to Nokomis for the (IMO, deserved) recognition.

They Would Know, Wouldn’t They?

The DNT ran an article today about jobless rates in the Northland.  I don’t know about the dead-tree version, but online they ran a photo of an empty cubicle with the story. The photo appears to be an empty cubicle at the paper itself.  I’m sure there are a lot of those around these days.