Tony D. Posts

Know Your Duluth Liquor Laws!


Over the next week or so, Zenith City Online is publishing five separate stories on the history of Duluth’s liquor laws so that voters and elected officials can better understand the historic context of the issue they face in this November’s citywide referendum. I have included links to all five stories below so you can read them now. This issue is embedded in misinformation and myth. In fact, former Mayor Herb Bergson recently told Zenith City Online he vetoed a 2007 City Council resolution to request the repeal of the 1891 law because he believes that all of Lakeside and Lester Park was a gift to Duluth from the philanthropic Marshall sisters (Julia and Caroline) and that Myrtle Marshall, who fought to keep the law in place in 1973, was one of those sisters—none of which is true. So here’s a chance to catch up on Duluth liquor history so you can make a well-informed decision on this issue.

Duke of Duluth Revisited

Back in June, 2010, PDD featured a post about the photo above, which was labelled “The Duke of Duluth.”

We have been digging into all things “Duke of Duluth” and “Duluth Duke(s)” over at Zenith City Online. The first of three stories on the topic posts today and discusses two literary dukes of Duluth: a 1905 Broadway play and a 1926 novel. And the story just may shed some light on that photo. You can read it here.

Homegrown in Memorium

Today marks the passing of Stella the Dog, a Staffordshire Terrier/Australian Shepherd mix and my great companion, just two-days shy of her 15th birthday. Stella is noted in Homegrown lore as the dog who, in 2000, destroyed one of the first two official Homegrown kickballs roughly 30 seconds after Starfire arrived at Chester Park and tossed the newly purchased balls onto the field. She spent most of the rest of the day carrying its carcass, occasionally thrashing it about.

Zenith City Online is … online !

I just wanted to drop those PDDers with a taste for local history a reminder that Zenith City Online is up and running at I’m hoping you stop by Zenith City after your morning check of PDD for your daily dose of Duluth history with “This Day in Duluth.” This month’s issue also features …

Where in Duluth?

Where in Duluth?

Zenith City Online

Coming January 2012.

Discover more at

Need a Nice Piece of Glass?

I have a 4′ x 8′ sheet of picture window glass, double glazed and (I assume) gas filled.

It’s yours for $50 if you pick it up yourself. Bring some friends: it’s one heavy piece of glass.

M’haha Window on “History Detectives”

Duluth’s “Minnehaha” Tiffany window (sometimes referred to as the “Hiawatha” window) designed by Duluth’s Ann Weston-and a watercolor associated with it-will be featured on next week’s “History Detectives” on PBS North. Look for Wade Lawrence, former director of Glensheen, for his expert analysis of the window.

Here are the air times/dates/PBS description:

Tuesday, June 28 – 7pm on PBS North
Tuesday, June 28 – midnight on PBS North
Saturday, July 2 – 6pm on PBS 2ndChance
Sunday, July 3 – 5pm on PBS North

Was SMDC name change Essential?

I just saw a piece on NBC about how Gap changed its logo and then changed back to the original after a whole lot of internet chatter by graphic designers criticizing the new logo. (Both logos below.)

Corporate identity is a huge issue for many businesses, and this one seems to have backfired on Gap. It is very, very expensive for a large organization to change its name: all printed materials, signage, marketing material, vehicle graphics, etc., with the old name and logo have to be changed.

So that got me to thinking about SMDC’s recent name change to Essentia Health. Personally, I don’t like the change: the name sounds like something thought up by a research group and could be used to market some kind of dietary supplement for seniors. And it kind of irks me that SMDC would spend the money to make this seemingly unnecessary move when so many people are fighting the high cost of health care.

Of course, I may be overreacting. Anyone else have a problem with the SMDC name change?

DEDA Approves Budget for Norshor

DEDA Approves Budget for Norshor
Posted on the WDIO website at: 08/25/2010 9:22 PM

The Duluth Economic Development Authority approved a capital improvement budget on Wednesday for the Norshor Theatre.

The City of Duluth purchased the building in June, for $2.6 million. Fundraising is now underway for renovation work.

DEDA voted Wednesday night to put almost $100,000 towards those efforts. The Duluth Playhouse is managing the Norshor Theater and intends to have a full line-up of entertainment this fall.


I’ll say it before Paul does: NorShor, with a cap S.

Mac repair in Duluth?

If anyone knows of a good Mac repair person in town, I’d sure appreciate the contact info.

Duluth Plaza Super One … Is it just me?

I shop at the Co-op, Cub, and Super One, depending on what I need and where I am at the time. I’ve noticed that the Plaza Super One has much higher prices and lower quality produce than the other Super One stores. There are also fewer healthy product alternatives and generic alternatives at this location. And each time I go there, at least one of the items I buy does not ring up for the advertised sale price.

The cynical side of me wonders if the owners might be consciously taking advantage of the Plaza’s customer base, which appears to be of a lower income than that of their other stores — many of whom don’t have a car to use to get to another store.

Does anyone else share this perception or experience, or is it just me? Because lately I’ve developed a new, highly cynical theory on the human race: People are not essentially good, but they are not inherently evil either;  rather, they are prone to do the wrong thing (or the lazy thing), especially if they think no one is watching or that they won’t get caught.

Online Meds?

Does anyone out there in PDD land have experience buying legit prescription meds online? Ideally some place inexpensive and trustworthy, of course.

A Little Kozy History

An earlier post about a car hitting the Kozy brought a discussion of the building, so I thought I’d share what I know of the building. So here’s some info on the Kozy we at X-Comm have gathered for a forthcoming book, Duluth’s Grand Old Buildings.

“Picture Duluth” Book Launch

Please join us this coming Friday to celebrate Duluth Photographer Dennis O’Hara and the release of his first book, Picture Duluth: Photographs of the Zenith City.

Day: Friday, May 14
Time: 7 – 9 p.m.
Place: Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center (Canal Park)
Cause: Ten percent of the sales of “Picture Duluth” will go to support the LSMVC.*
ETC: Author presentation starts at 7:30; refreshments served.

To check out the book, including a online condensed eBook version, click here.

*Special prices on books, and everyone who buys a book or donates just $5 to the LSMVC will receive as our thanks either one of four vintage postcard reproduction art prints or a copy of Greetings from the Arrowhead: the North Shore & Canoe Country.