Scott M. Posts

Duluth Disc Golf

I heard about a disc golf course in Lincoln Park. Where is it located?

Also, are there other courses around that I am not aware of? I know of Mont du Lac, and the three located by the colleges (LSC, Scholastica, UMD). I am missing any others?

The Acceleratii at RT’s Thursday!

Come see The Acceleratii at R.T. Quinlin’s for St. Pat’s! They will be joined by Big Wave Dave and the Ripples. Show starts at 10:00 and the cost is a meager $5.

The Acceleratii CD release party!!!

Happening Friday night, March 4, at Roscoe’s Pioneer Bar, 323 W. Superior St., Duluth. 9ish. No cover.

Homegrown Fever!

Anyone else starting to get Homegrown Fever? I am getting really excited.