sarafenix Posts

Ruh Roh, Don Ness!

Danes firstDuluth next?

Four mayors in Denmark now know what it’s like to become a target of an international recording label out for blood over copyright. The controversy stems from the publication of a YouTube video featuring the officials dancing to Gangnam Style. Universal Music, the company holding the copyright to the original track, have warned the mayors that unless they pay $42,000 by tomorrow, a copyright infringement battle will follow.

People Get Ready

Racist organizations plan on visiting Duluth on March 3. Let’s not give them a Minnesota Nice welcome. See you there!

Link to racist Stromfront site

Heat with wood?

We have approximately a dozen six-foot logs, primarily ash (hardwood). Needs to be cut into logs and moved by anyone who wants them. The logs are one year old and in my back yard, which is down a hill from the house.

Contact me at sarafenix @ and let me know if any of you want them and I will send phone # to make arrangements. It’s going to be first come get’s em.