roblarson Posts

Do you rock?

Who are good and talented musicians in the area who have the ability to rehearse 1-2 nights a week for a 5-piece rock band, perform 4-6 shows in June and July, and subject themselves to several recording sessions prior to performance? Respond to this post with instrument of choice, influences, and contact info for coffee…

–Rob Larson | Facebook | Blogspot

Second season of comedy series

Hello. I am interested in scheduling some pre-production meetings for the second season of an independent web-based comedy series. The catalyst for the series is from the first season, about a failed writer and actor who had the misfortune his old college roommate hiring a documentary crew to follow him around for a week. This week caused him great embarrassment, termination from his job, and eviction from his apartment. Worst of all, it gave him a false sense of stardom. This series picks up after the incidents of that week. The character seeks a fresh start, and tries to get his ‘reality show’ back online with no knowledge of video production, no budget, and no direction other than his preposterous ambition of launching a dramatic/action film career.

Friendly Texas hold ’em game?

I’m looking for a leisurely afternoon or evening, weekly or monthly, Texas hold ’em game in the Duluth area. I love the game.

sidewayseight @

Video Equipment Scouting


My name is Rob Larson, and I posted a couple of weeks ago about compiling a name list for future video production work in the Twin Ports. I currently live and work in the Milwaukee area, and I am moving with my wife to Duluth in a couple of weeks.

My business partner and I are taking inventory of our equipment and deciding what I will be bringing with me to Duluth. We currently use all sorts of fun stuff: Green screens, dolly tracks, the FigRig, the Sony HVR-V1U, updated NLE studios and editing bays, etc…

I would like to get a sense of the equipment available in the area, as well as who’s who in Twin Ports video production. I plan to hold a meeting in July to become better acquainted with individuals who would like to have steady commercial and narrative production work.  

Anyway, I would like to leave most of our equipment in the Milwaukee studio, but I can’t service any of our increasing number of Twin Ports clients without good equipment. So this post is to ask, “who has what?” 

[email protected]

Filmmaker/editor now hiring/for hire…


My name is Rob and I am moving to Duluth with my wife in July. I will be teaching Comm. and Media related courses at the College of St. Scholastica.

I am co-owner of a small independent production company based in Milwaukee. I have been the director and/or editor of an ongoing queue of productions over the past seven years. We have all of our own shooting and editing equipment, lights, sound, track, green screen, etc. I will be available in June and beyond for commercial and creative media projects on a freelance basis.

If you are a writer or filmmaker and need help editing, shooting, or encoding your work for DVD/Blu-Ray or the Internet, I can help you. I have low, very negotiable rates…I’m interested in meeting new artists in the Twin Ports. I used to live in the area, and know quite a few actors and artists.

Also, I am planning to shoot two feature length independent films this fall and next spring, and this will require a lot of local talent. I am working on a website dedicated to these future endeavors, and I will post the link to that site very soon. In the meantime, I am compiling a list of e-mails and phone numbers into a local call list.  

For more information about these upcoming productions, please reply to this post, or write to: [email protected]

