Any German Speakers???
I found this old inscription in a 1930s book. Can anyone help me understand it? It looks to be German or Norwegian and based on what I can figure out it references alligators and Lake Superior.
I found this old inscription in a 1930s book. Can anyone help me understand it? It looks to be German or Norwegian and based on what I can figure out it references alligators and Lake Superior.
Can anyone recommend a good alligator removal service? My brother and I own Duluth’s Best Bread and have had quite a few guests and workers eaten in the past month. I think they are coming in through the pipes or something.
I was planning on ignoring it but OSHA says if we don’t get the gators out in 90 days we have to pay like a $200 fine.
Would you like to get bread and croissants every week and support local foodways? Duluth’s Best Bread is starting a community-supported agriculture program this month.
The way a CSA works is that you pay a fee up front and in turn are guaranteed bread every week — including occasional special loaves not usually offered, like challah, rye or whole wheat. All you do is come pick it up.
I am looking for someone to do a rock cover of a 3-minute song I wrote, preferably heavy metal but something more punkish would be OK, too. I can pay $50 and it doesn’t have to be that good, the most important thing is that the vocals be clear and understandable. This is for a Christmas present for someone, so I need it by Dec. 22. If you’re interested please e-mail me at robertlillegard -[at]- gmail -[dot]- com.