rnarum Posts

2104 announces livestream schedule for week of Homegrown

Sunday, May 2
• 6pm Kaylee Matuszak
• 7pm Bill Flannagan
• 8pm Sugar on the Roof

Call for Performers: Welcome Home {Grown} | Live {Stream}

We miss live music! We all miss live music … right?

This will be the 11th year of 2104’s Soup Social, dubbed #SoupB4Supe. Last year we were forced into the Live Stream gig … and now Bryce Kastning and I, also with support from a few others, have been producing Music Live Stream’s since April 2020. If you haven’t listened to our streams … you can pick them up as often as you want, they are at youtube.com/duluthiscool or 2104.us. As of this writing, we have created 22 streams from 2104.

Merry Christmas from the archives …

On a cold Duluth evening back in 2013, a small crew gathered for a video shoot. Mark Lindquist wanted to give his children a Christmas video. Time got away. The footage wasn’t awesome. I set it aside.

It’s always bugged me that I never made that video for Mark and his children. Last night, I went searching through virtual piles and piles of material until I found what I was looking for.

Manheat Eats Low Breaker

Rough video from the Duluth Does Low concert — Dec. 12, 2013.

Merry Christmas.

Woodland School Song

While wondering the halls of Woodland Middle School, I came upon the school song.

The school is slated for destruction in the very near future. I can hardly wait for the Chipotle or other chains that they will force upon us.

One, Two, Three Questions?

What would you like to know about your favorite Twin Ports musician or musical group? Would you ask the same question of you favorite painter or potter?

Share your question with me. I’m working on a little project … and maybe just maybe … they’ll answer your question. Can you? Will you?

The People Say Fox — “The Whaler’s Line”

Homegrown Music Video Festival entry by Emily Norton.

The Surfactants — “Aussenseiter”

My son and I put this together at the last minute. As a result, it didn’t get shown at Zinema 2 last night during the Homegrown Music Video Festival and it won’t be shown at during the encore tonight … however, you can see it on Sunday at Chester Creek Cafe and you can watch the hell out of it on the web. Thanks to Annie Dugan for organizing another great event!

Blue Tape. No Frames.

Unsanctioned Homegrown Print Photo Show: Blue Tape. No Frames.

Just what it says. @2104 will be hosting a last-minute, non-sanctioned print photo show for Homegrown.

Adam Carr Send-Off


He’s been clogging up the airwaves with his “January in Duluth” posts … now it’s time to bid him farewell.

Before he flees, he has agreed to give us a presentation on what he’s been up to.

A Recent Gathering

Good Luck to Paul and Steph!

Dancing @ Norway Hall, Duluth, MN – 30 Dec 2011

More similar photos here.

Got some Homegrown photos to share?

You’re taking photos … and they’re super awesome.

Share them and view them on the Homegrown Flickr Pool.

Call for Photos – Homegrown Photo Show

For those of you who have been waiting and wondering… will there be a Homegrown Photo Show (it was inadvertently left out of the schedule)…

The answer is YES.

More Tweedy for Less Bucks

Jeff Tweedy @ Bayfront Park, Duluth, MN - Photo by Richard Narum

Problem: Too Many Tweedy’s

I have too many Jeff Tweedy tickets than required. The show is tomorrow (Tuesday, March 29), 7:30pm in Rochester, Minn.

Solution: I am offering the tickets at nearly half off … say, $25 each … for the best music related haiku (as judged by Paul Lundgren).

Haiku entries accepted until noon on Tuesday, March 29.

Streets. Sidewalks. Alleyways.

 E 1st Street, 2010. by Kip Praslowicz
E 1st Street, 2010. by Kip Praslowicz

Streets. Sidewalks. Alleyways.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011.
Opening 6PM – 8PM

** Show will hang through the month of February 2011

Beaner’s Central

324 N. Central Avenue Duluth, MN 55806
(218) 624-5957

By area DPG Photographers, including:

Jason Huntzinger
Richard Narum
Kip Praslowicz
Brian Ravola
Bill Schwalbe
Edgewood Smith

Music will be performed by local artists during Beaner’s Open Mic.