David Beard Posts

Eagles and Lead

Let’s start with the basics. A healthy, wild bald eagle will not pose for a picture like this. So the very existence of this picture means that this guy is in trouble. We think it is lead poisoning.

This is our second eagle this weekend. It looks like another case of lead poisoning. They’re coming in thick and fast. Please, all you hunters … use non-lead ammo. You don’t want to leave a dead eagle behind you in the field.

Lead poisoning is almost certain, permanent damage.  Learn more.

Glengarry Glen Ross

Last night, Kate and I went with our friend and colleague Elizabeth to see Glengarry Glen Ross.

There was a time in my life when I liked Mamet plays — it overlapped sharply with the time in my life that I liked Quentin Tarantino films. And while Reservoir Dogs will always have a place in my heart, that place has changed. I now think of it as one of many average “double-cross” movies, rather than a pressure-cooker of male aggression. But when I was a kid, oh man, it was all about the tough guys.

Wildwoods’ Bowling for Bobcats

Wildwoods hosted Bowling for Bobcats at Skyline Lanes.  Thanks to the dozens of friends and families who joined us in celebrating our Wild neighbors and in raising money for Wildwoods.


We attended the Spooktacular at Glensheen on Saturday. It was awesome. If you’ve not been, Sunday is another chance, and it’s worth every penny. Firedancer performs at 7, 7:30 and 8 p.m.

PS: Firedancer: Who recorded the music you dance to? It’s been a long time since I heard elektro-goth stuff like that.

Wolf Debate at UMD

[This post originally contained an embedded video that is no longer available at its source.]

Lights Out! as Migration Season ends.

My friends at Wildwoods say: “Dim the lights and brighten the future! Birds can be drawn off course by bright lights in our cities. By turning off unnecessary lights after midnight we can save money, energy and migrating birds.”

Demolition (Roller) Derby

The Harbor City Roller Dames smashed the the Dagger Dolls at the DECC’s Pioneer Hall, last night — by more than 100 points.

Eagle in Need

From the director of Wildwoods:

Thanks so much to P and M, who brought this wounded bald eagle down from Cook this evening, after she’d been hit by a car. Thanks to them, she has a chance. She needs a ride to the Raptor Center asap; please call us at 218-491-3604 if you can help. Pictures courtesy of N, who helped in the care of this bird.  Please “share” this; let’s find this bird a ride. Time is of the essence to save her wing. Thanks! – Wounded bald eagle 10/13/12

What amazes me is the quiet dignity with which eagles carry themselves even in times of injury and great pain.

Community Education: Hanging with Hams

I’m working my way through the options in Community Ed, and the gem this semester has to be Introduction to Amateur Radio.

Hawk Weekend 2012

Last night was the second night of events for Hawk Weekend. Our friends at Hawk Ridge let Wildwoods Rehab set up a table at both events at the Radisson and the Ridge.

What a week for nerds!

What a week for nerds! Sept. 11 was the sellout Nerd Nite at Teatro Zuccone.

Nerd Nite, organized by Jer Nilsen, Crystal Pelkey, and Adam Brisk, is nearly a religious ritual for me.

(It helps that Reverend Lee attends nearly every one. If you haven’t read this pastor from United Church of Two Harbors‘s recent column about upcoming constitutional amendments, you haven’t heard what the voice of religious conviction sounds like, when it is committed to the search for truth, rather than its presumption. See here or the Lake County News Chronicle for more.)

Nerd Nite is where I take new Duluthians to find community, to experience people who share their passions and their humor.

Wildwoods Updates: Of Sandpipers, Squirrels, and More

The pectoral sandpiper released in this series of photographs was found injured up the north shore, was transported to Wildwoods where triage examination led to a referral to the exotic vets at the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in St. Paul. The sandpiper was driven to St. Paul (on a car already headed that way), and cared for at WRC. When it was back to normal, it was loaded back onto a car headed back to Duluth (its other occupants filled with State Fair goodness), transported to Wildwoods, and eventually returned to Erik, who took these amazing pictures of his release.

Arrowhead Regional Arts Council seeks new board members

We at the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council are hoping to complete the roster of our board of directors early this fall. We have received two applications, and hope to receive several more, meeting the following qualifications:

a) one applicant residing in Itasca County;

b) one applicant residing in Lake County;

c) one at-large applicant residing in any Arrowhead County outside the city limits of Duluth;

d) one student liaison – an arts enrolled student at any of the Arrowhead post-secondary institutions, including those in Duluth.

Wildwoods Updates…

Wildwoods Updates…

Peanuts for business that wants to be green

Rogue Robot receives weekly shipments of games that come well-padded in styrofoam peanuts. The owner, Ryan, wants to know if there’s an environmentally friendly way to dispose of them: another business in downtown Duluth that wants them for their shipping purposes? Some other repurposing? Some safe disposal?

Rogue Robot is taking green seriously, going so far as to suggest I unwrap purchases in the store so the owner can bulk recycle the packaging.

Any suggestions for him?