David Beard Posts

Fellowships for Historical Research

PDD is host to a number of independent historical researchers. FYI.

The Minnesota Historical Society is pleased to announce the Legacy Research Fellowships. Eligibility for these Fellowships is open to any post-collegiate Minnesota scholar who is engaged in Minnesota-related research/scholarship that draws on the Gale Library resources and that intends to add to the body of knowledge and interpretation of Minnesota’s history (pre- and post-statehood). Independent Scholars and scholars, including graduate students, not eligible for funding through employment at academic institutions are especially encouraged to apply.

Bobcats and Eagles

From Wildwoods, about recent admits. We get fewer in the Winter, but they are more interesting, as cases.

Minnesota concludes wolf hunting and trapping season

I feel some relief at this news, at the same time that I know, it’s the relief you get when your reprieve, you know, is temporary. No matter what you think about wolves, trapping is a terrible, unethical, destructive way to hunt.  –David

Day after Christmas, I

On the town after Christmas. My car needed work, so I dropped it at 4th Street Auto (discussed on PDD here) and decided to walk downtown from there — always fun.

Medical Marijuana

My colleague and friend Shane Courtland pulled a great event together.  I hope you’ll read the stories and advance the conversation.

Minnesota medical marijuana bill forum draws huge crowd

Legislation by an Iron Range DFL’er is drawing big attention in Duluth.

More than 200 people attended a public forum at UMD Monday on a bill to legalize marijuana introduced this spring with help from Rep. Carly Melin, DFL-Hibbing. Since then she’s been getting input and feedback from the public.

Melin said medical marijuana will offer pain relief with fewer side effects. She also said there are stiff penalties should anyone misuse the system.

See also: Minnesota lawmakers, experts debate legalizing medical marijuana

“Awareness Now”

I’m looking for information about a public activist campaign from the 1960s called “Awareness Now,” or something like it, possibly co-sponsored or sponsored by the Duluth chapter of the NAACP.

If you can help, post below or email!

Winter will be Hard: Wildwoods Retreats and Raccoon Relocation

Shopping on a Fall Day

Today was cold, it was oftentimes overcast, and I was kind of depressed. So I went shopping.


Saturday was Rollerdame action — at least for the last half of the game. The Harbor City Roller Dames A/B teams were divided, one team to represent Superior and one to represent Duluth. For the first half, the game was played in increments, as each skater would score 4 points, then call off the “jam.”  So the game progressed in inches until about the half.

Perfect Duluth Soda?

So, I make Fizzy Waters a regular stop while I am in Canal Park, but it’s not the only place I get tasty sodas.

Traps, again

Via Wildwoods Founders:

Yesterday evening, friends called about a red squirrel caught in a leghold trap set on the edge of a city park. We don’t know how long the squirrel had been trapped there. See the brown discoloration on the fur by his mouth? He’d been trying to chew his way out of the trap.

Bonding Bill

Someone please read this:
…and please explain to me why this is a good idea:
Spirit Mountain wants $3.4 million in state money for a new water-pumping system to use St. Louis River water instead of treated Duluth city water to make snow.

Nerd Nite

An account from Tim Broman:

NERD NITE: Had a fine dining experience friends, followed by Nerd Nite.

Media Night Owls, Early Birds, and Loners

I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately, and so at late hours, I hop online. The vexing part of Facebook is the way that it tells you who else is online. But are they really online, or did they fall asleep with Facebook open?


Last night was another night of hipness for me.

I joined Kate VTB and Katie B for dinner at the “last Thai restaurant standing,”Sala Thai in Woodland (remember, Thai Krathong closes this week). Yummy.

Then, off to Prøve Collective. The “Transplants” show featured amazing work by Rob Adams, Ray Allard, Rodrigo Bello, Zach Gorr, Marcus Meldahl, and Aphtin Rapp. Bello did the amazing image posted at the top, and his work was worth a thousand times the price of admission. (Have I mentioned how lucky we are that events like this, with music by the Crunchy Bunch, are free?)

Prøve has an Indiegogo Campaign working to help bring it to the next level. It deserves your support. My life in Duluth would be less without its efforts.