David Beard Posts

Illustrating Hunger and Homelessness: Moses Viveros

Art by Nelle Rhicard at reframeideas.com.

Food insecurity, housing insecurity, poverty and social justice are intertwined, a knot of problems facing our community. Thirteen percent of Duluthians face food insecurity, and over 54% of renter-households are rent burdened. Often these difficult social problems are addressed by nonprofit organizations that run food pantries or housing shelters. They build affordable housing and support people living on the street. While these workers are heroes, they are also human, and their stories are also intertwined with larger issues like poverty and social justice. These frontline workers are also often former college students who enter the job market with the consequential task of supporting those who others have left behind.

Photography Tutorials from John Gregor

When I served on the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council, I was lucky enough to meet photographer and photography instructor John Gregor. John, through his company Coldsnap in Two Harbors, reviews equipment, leads classes and photography tours around North America, and of course takes amazing photos.

He has recently posted a video sharing his insights into taking night panoramas. It’s a great complement to his video introducing panoramic photography.

Illustrating Hunger and Homelessness: Noah Chen

Art by Nelle Rhicard at reframeideas.com.

A group of University of Minnesota Duluth faculty, students and community artists came together to explore strategies to communicate the stories of frontline workers in housing and food insecurity.

UMD students met Noah Chan, community engagement coordinator at Agate Community Services in Downtown Minneapolis. Learn more about the Agate Housing at agatemn.org.

Thoughts on Caesarean Section

Until recently, my vision of childbirth was driven by television. Situation comedies taught me to imagine a woman reclined in a bed. The husband stands slightly behind her and to the left, holding her hand, which is squeezed every time the birthing mom hears “push!” from the doctor.

Nearly every part of that picture was fabricated for television.

I have only recently come to understand that, while we imagine the mother or birthing person to be the center of the picture of birth in the United States, in fact, she is sometimes pushed to the side while the doctor takes over.

Illustrating Hunger and Homelessness: Chelsea Froemke

Art by Nelle Rhicard at reframeideas.com.

Food insecurity, housing insecurity, poverty and social justice are intertwined, a knot of problems facing our community. Thirteen percent of Duluthians face food insecurity, and more than 54% of renter-households are rent burdened. Often these difficult social problems are addressed by nonprofit organizations that run food pantries or housing shelters. They build affordable housing and support people living on the street. While these workers are heroes, they are also human, and their stories are also intertwined with larger issues like poverty and social justice. These frontline workers are also often former college students who enter the job market with the consequential task of supporting those who others have left behind.

Illustrating Hunger and Homelessness: AC Kirk

Art by Nelle Rhicard at reframeideas.com.

A group of University of Minnesota Duluth faculty, students and community artists came together to explore strategies to communicate the stories of frontline workers in housing and food insecurity. UMD students met AC Kirk, the Farms Coordinator at the Family Freedom Center in Duluth.

Duluth playwright interviewed on NME

Duluth playwright Mark Stanfield was interviewed for an article published this week in the British arts and culture website New Musical Express, or NME.

Armory fundraiser event seeks art submissions

The Armory Arts and Music Center is celebrating the 109th anniversary of the Historic Duluth Armory on Nov. 15. The fundraising event will feature 20-25 artists and their works, focusing on the theme of the evening: Preservation.

Illustrating Hunger and Homelessness: Tiffany Fenner

Art by Nelle Rhicard at reframeideas.com.

Food insecurity, housing insecurity, poverty and social justice are intertwined, a knot of problems facing our community. Thirteen percent of Duluthians face food insecurity, and more than 54 percent of renter-households are rent burdened. Often these difficult social problems are addressed by nonprofit organizations that run food pantries or housing shelters. The organization’s workers build affordable housing and support people living on the street. While these workers are heroes, they are also human, and their stories are also intertwined with larger issues like poverty and social justice. These frontline workers are also often former college students who enter the job market with the consequential task of supporting those who others have left behind.

Literary History of Duluth: Joel Carter

Another thrift store find:  I would love it if anyone with stories about this book, about its poetry or the art or the press, would post below or email dbeard @ d.umn.edu.

Literary History of Duluth: Savage Press

I’m still slowly writing the literary history of Duluth and would love if anyone with stories of Savage Press would post below or email me at dbeard @ d.umn.edu.


I attended TeebCon at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center. Perhaps the most magnificent sight was the Warhammer Tournament on the second floor.

Local poet talks absurdities with morning television audience

I love Henry’s taste in the quirky and just plain odd. All of that is made visible in this WDIO interview with the local poet, who offers to teach us to become Canada Gooses.

The state fair begins tomorrow

Drawing of a Bucket of Cookes

The Minnesota State Fair runs Aug. 22 to Sept. 2, and local artist Holly Rose has been counting down to the State Fair on her Instagram feed. Check it out and nerd out with me.

You can buy Sweet Martha’s cookies at Aldi and Cub, at least — maybe Super One too, I don’t know. They taste pretty good. And the line is shorter, and my god, I am old.

Counting Down to the State Fair with Fellow Duluthians

I am always excited by the Minnesota State Fair. At one point I had attended every year for a 20-year stretch. I attended six days in one year; another year, I returned home from England early just so I could squeeze one day in.