Ramos Posts

Dunkley’s Celery Compound

Today, John L. Morrison is best known as the publisher of the muckraking Duluth Rip-Saw from 1918 to 1926, but his period of greatest fame occurred before that, when he was employed by the Duluth Evening Herald. Morrison was well-known regionally as a travel writer and nationally as an authority on the Canadian gold-mining regions.

Where in Duluth? #188

This 1870s-era photo of the Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad has been discussed on PDD before, but today I came across a handsome framed enlargement. Where is it?

Where in Duluth? #186

Where in Duluth? #185

Gretings from Daluth

Where in Superior?

Exploring the new multi-use trail at Quarry Park

Where in Duluth?

Where in Superior?

Where in Superior

Park Point Asterisk

Giant asterisk_02

A giant asterisk has appeared on Park Point, leading some observers to wonder: Does this beach have a caveat?

Where in Duluth?

Where in Duluth

Kicked into action by Kerc’s post below, I offer up another Where in Duluth?, taken today. I don’t know who the kid is. I think he lives there.

The Red Plan’s little brother


As the Duluth school district struggles to find money to pay for the insanely expensive Red Plan, a similar situation is playing out to the north. In 2009, St. Louis County School District officials and consultant Johnson Controls argued that closing several old schools and building new consolidated schools would result in significant savings for the school district. Anyone who followed that publicity campaign could not have failed to notice marked similarities with Duluth’s Red Plan, which was also pushed by Johnson Controls.

In fact, as Marshall Helmberger points out in a recent Ely Timberjay story, almost all of the claims and promises have turned out to be worthless.

Bumper crop

Wild blueberries

The wild blueberries are crazy this year. I picked six quarts today and didn’t even make a dent in the patch.

“Holy Night”

As Duluth weighs the pros and cons of allowing people to keep small farm animals within city limits, I thought it would be appropriate to share this recording. Just think … you could wake up some frosty winter night and be serenaded by your neighbor’s singing goats.

Where in Duluth?


Another easy one.