Paul Lundgren Posts

Where in Superior?


Time for another installment of Perfect Duluth Day’s ultra-thrilling photo-trivia sensation. This time the photo was shot somewhere in Superior. Where specifically?

Mystery Photo #35: Frank Lundgren and Joe Marceau

Frank Lundgren and Joe Marceau circa 1918

This mystery photo was sent by Ryan Sanders, a distant relative of the man at left in the photo above, Frank Lundgren. (Yours truly, Paul Lundgren, is no relation.) Standing next to Frank Lundgren is his brother-in-law Joe Marceau. The photo was shot somewhere in Duluth around 1918. The mystery we are looking to solve is where specifically the photo was shot.

Where in Duluth #144

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Four images, all shot at the same Duluth location. Do you know where?

Six old pictures of Duluth’s Cascade Park

Cascade Park in Duluth Minnesota View_of_Cascade Cascade Cascade_Park_ Cascade_Park Cascade Park circa 1908

Click any thumbnail to view the full images.

Duluth Waterfront by Knute Heldner

Duluth Waterfront - Knute Heldner

Knute HeldnerImpressionist painter Knute Heldner lived in Duluth for a good part of his career. The book Minnesota Prints and Printmakers, 1900-1945 dates his etching of Duluth’s Waterfront as “circa 1925.”

He was born in Sweden; differing accounts online put his birth year as 1875, 1877 and 1886. According to Hiro Fine Art he emigrated to Duluth in 1902 and “began working as a cobbler, miner, and lumberjack.” ( indicates he was a “lumber camp cook” and also notes he arrived in the United States “first in Boston” and later moved “to the Great Lakes region.”)

Sunshine Rock


One of the more recognizable hunks of mineral matter in the Duluth area is Sunshine Rock. It’s located in Hermantown on Stebner Road between Morris Thomas and Hermantown roads.

There are two things about this rock I’m curious to know:

1) How long has “Sunshine 1ML” been painted on it? I’m certain that particular graffiti goes back at least 25 years.

2) What does “Sunshine 1ML” refer to? The rock happens to be sitting one mile outside of Duluth city limits, so maybe that has something to do with it, but it sits on the south side of Stebner facing northbound traffic, so it’s only noticed by cars heading out of Duluth. Is the insinuation that the sun only shines one mile outside Duluth?

Happy Thirteenth Birthday to Us

AlMimGeekProm ass and mirror OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA DistantStorms-small Duluth Surf DuluthYogis AirSupply HeikoSequeerity Howlin-Andy-Hound Kayaking Blue Earth River Keep Aways kozy_cats2 Marc and Dave Nazi no-norshor-upset NorShorCentennial ParkPointFox2 ParkPointIceDudes Paul RedTail Shana David Spock is not impressed with the Cascade Park mural. trans-iowa-350x438 Wet and Ready WhosBarRear2 Morgan and Cory ChickenboneGeorge

Perfect Duluth Day is thirteen years old today — Wednesday, June 29, 2016. The official celebration is at Vikre Distillery in Canal Park. Here’s a link to the Facebook invite. Come on down.

Local casket business dies

Duluth Casket ShopHey, when did Duluth Casket Shop go out of business? Did local media completely fail to produce the kind of headline people get into journalism for in the first place?

Postcards from Cascade Park


Duluth’s Cascade Park still exists, but it’s nothing compared to what it used to be. In the late 1800s a sandstone pavilion and bell tower overlooked the city, with Clark House Creek running through it and down toward a pond and lush gardens. The bell tower was destroyed during a storm, and Mesaba Avenue eventually ate up part of the park, pushing the creek completely underground. These old postcards offer a look at what was once Duluth’s most extravagant park.

Phantom Ship Kickstarter

Phantom Ship - CoastalScott Gusts moved from Minneapolis to Walker in 2012 with plans to release a new Phantom Ship record inspired by his time spent on Lake Superior and in northern Minnesota. He’s running a Kickstarter for the project, which is halfway funded with five days to go.

Aerial Bridge from end of Ship Canal

Aerial Bridge 1909 postcard

The message on the back of this postcard, mailed April 3, 1909, might require an interpreter — as often seems to be the case.

Where in Duluth? #140


Tennis courts by MacArthur School coming along

Tennis Courts MacArthur

Seven tennis courts and a discus/shotput-throwing area look to be almost ready at 725 N. Central Ave. The new courts and field will be used by tennis and track teams from Denfeld, as well as physical education students and other community members.

J.M. Gidding & Co. | Gidding’s Millinery Duluth

The post “Duluth, the City of Electric Lights,” led me to wonder what the deal was with the Gidding’s building. A quick search of the internet produced the photo at left, which depicts the Knox Five and Dime fire of June 10, 1910, and shows the Gidding’s building at left.

Duluth, the City of Electric Lights

Duluth the City of Electric Lights

Circa 1907.