Paul Lundgren Posts

Duluth You & Me: Wild Animals

Of course, it must be noted that some animals illustrated above are not native to Duluth or even in Duluth at present, but represent Lake Superior Zoo animals from the past.

Use the link below for a printable PDF for your puzzle solving pleasure.
Duluth You & Me: Wild Animals

Follow the Duluth You & Me subject tag to see additional pages. For background on the book see the original post on the topic.

Postcard from Chester Creek Glen

This wholesome little scene is circa a century ago. The postmark on the back appears to be Oct. 31, 1915, though the year is not easy to make out. The card was sent to Miss Gertrude Fischer of Chicago.

S.S. North West fictitiously entering Duluth Harbor circa 1906

This manipulated photo from the Detroit Publishing Company is filed by the Library of Congress as “Ship canal looking in, Duluth, Minn.,” and is roughly dated 1906. The summary of the item describes the manipulation:

Photo shows a ship with the words “North West. Northern Steamship Co.” The ship appears to be pasted into the canal scene, with hand-drawn smoke and mast — a composite photograph.

Duluth Athletic Club Cigar Box

Because nothing says physical fitness like a box of stogies.

Postcards from the St. Louis Hotel in Downtown Duluth

Postcard images of the St. Louis Hotel probably don’t do justice to its original splendor. The first of its two buildings went up in 1882 and was considered Duluth’s finest hotel. It was destroyed by fire on the morning of Jan. 13, 1893 and was replaced in 1895 by the Providence Building, which still stands at 332 W. Superior St.

The building shown in the postcard above was originally the Brighton Hotel, built next to the St. Louis in 1887. After the original St. Louis went up in smoke, the Brighton became the new St. Louis Hotel. The building was demolished in the early 1930s and replaced by the Medical Arts Building, which remains today at 324 W. Superior St.

Duluth You & Me: Lake Superior Word Find

Use the link below for a printable PDF for your puzzle solving pleasure.
Duluth You & Me: Lake Superior Word Find

Follow the Duluth You & Me subject tag to see additional pages. For background on the book see the original post on the topic.

Then and Now: Looking Down 43rd Avenue West

The top half of the graphic above is from a real estate advertisement in the Oct. 22, 1920 edition of the Duluth Herald, promoting lots on 43rd Avenue West near Eighth Street in West Duluth. The bottom half is an attempt to capture the modern perspective via Google Maps. In the modern view, trees block three of the four homes shown in the 1920 view, but one of them can been seen and the other three, though not in view, are still standing.

Mystery Photo: Owl Studio

The back of this postcard photo indicates it was shot at the Owl Studio, 10 E. Superior. St., next to Duluth’s Empress Theatre. It’s the same address as the Wide Awake Studio, which was featured in a previous Mystery Photo.

Duluth You & Me: A Storm on Lake Superior

Use the link below for a printable PDF for your drawing and coloring pleasure.
Duluth You & Me: A Storm on Lake Superior

Follow the Duluth You & Me subject tag to see additional pages. For background on the book see the original post on the topic.

Serpent Lake, 1920

This photo of Serpent Lake, about 80 miles west of Duluth, includes an illustrated map of the route. It appeared in the Duluth Herald 100 years ago today — Sept. 16, 1920. Let it serve as a reminder to wear a white shirt and a tie when paddling.

Duluth points of interest penciled on an old postcard

“Are well and trust this will find you all the same. Write soon. John.”

Postcard from the Moose Lake Fire of 1918

This postcard shows the aftermath of the infamous Moose Lake Fire. Written in white across the image is the date of the fire, Oct. 12, 1918, though the photo was almost certainly shot in the days that followed, not during the blaze.

Duluth You & Me: Glensheen Mansion

Use the link below for a printable PDF for your drawing and coloring pleasure.
Duluth You & Me: Glensheen Mansion

Follow the Duluth You & Me subject tag to see additional pages. For background on the book see the original post on the topic.

Postcard from Duluth Harbor South Breakwater Inner Light

This undated postcard features an image of the lighthouse on the Minnesota Point side of the Duluth Ship Canal. The card must be from the first half of the 20th Century, because the postage rate noted on the back is one cent and the U.S. postcard rate switched to two cents in 1952. The lighthouse was first lit in 1901 and remains there today. It was sold at auction in 2008 to Steven Sola and Matt Kampf, but the U.S. Coast Guard continues to maintain it.

Duluth You & Me: Golf Courses

Use the link below for a printable PDF for your drawing and coloring pleasure.
Duluth You & Me: Golf Courses

Follow the Duluth You & Me subject tag to see additional pages. For background on the book see the original post on the topic.