Paul Lundgren Posts

PDD on KUMD’s “The Local”

KUMD’s DJ Marvin Themix interviews Perfect Duluth Day’s Paul Lundgren, talking about how PDD started and how the pandemic has affected it, and also discussing the evolution of the local music scene and previewing the Homegrown Music Festival.

Postcard from Little Two Harbors

This undated postcard from Duluth Photo Engraving Company shows Ellingson Island at Little Two Harbors, the bay best known for its views of Split Rock Lighthouse.

In case anyone needs another nuisance to deal with …

… here’s the annual reminder that the ticks are back.

Upset Duluth: Stormwater Fee Edition

Increases in commercial and industrial stormwater fees is the cause of the latest “Upset Duluth” shot in our series of Duluth News Tribune photos of people who are perturbed.

Story link: Duluth businesses question stormwater fee hikes

Don’t forget to check out the ever-expanding Upset Duluth Gallery.

Postcard from the Leif Erikson Statue and Viking Ship

This undated postcard from Gallagher’s Studio of Photography shows two Duluth relics. The bronze Leif Erikson statue was placed in 1956 and remains on display at Leif Erikson Park. The 42-foot Leif Erikson Viking Ship Replica was built in Norway in 1926 and sailed to Duluth, arriving on June 23, 1927. It was displayed in Leif Erikson Park until 2013, when it was placed in a warehouse until funds are raised to build a display structure to protect it from weather.

Duluth Book Releases in 2021

Hands and Heart Together: Daily Meditations for Caregivers
Patricia Hoolihan
Jan. 19
Holy Cow! Press
Available at

The Old West End
Nick Nerburn
Available at

It Could be Worse: A Girlfriend’s Guide for Runners who Detest Running
Beth Probst
Feb. 1
Available at

Prax and the Hazardous Countdown
Matthew Francis
Feb. 17
Available at

Mystery Photos #131-136: The Duluth Polka Dots?

This contact print of photo negatives comes from Ben Marsen, who many years ago acquired a collection of negatives of scenes from around Duluth. (See Mystery Photo #125 for more info on that.)

Marsen doubts he still has the negatives, so we have to squint a bit and work from the contact strip. Who are these musicians?

Monthly Grovel: March 2021

(Enter the amount of your choice.)

As the masked, online and distanced events drag on, the PDD Calendar continues to catalog the options. Each month we reach out with one beggarly blog post to remind everyone that human beings and not machines are at work editing and publishing calendar events. So if you appreciate it, drop a few bucks in the PayPal account.

Greetings from Superior National Forest

This collection of old postcards depicts scenes from the Superior National Forest, 3.9-million acres of woods and waters in northeastern Minnesota’s “Arrowhead Country.”

John Rudd turning a complete somersault on skis

As documented on this old postcard, Duluthian John Rudd is credited as having performed the first somersault on skies. It happened at Chester Bowl, then known as Chester Creek Hill.

Postcard from Twin Points Resort

This undated postcard, from Gallagher’s Studio of Photography, shows an aerial view from Lake Superior of Twin Points Resort in the Silver Creek Township northeast of Two Harbors. The area is now known as Iona’s Beach Scientific and Natural Area.

Ye Olde Duluth Train Stations

Random collection of Duluth train station postcards.

Adventures of the Little Pats: 20 Below

Duluth Album Releases in 2021

Self titled
(Feb. 4)
Available on Bandcamp

Rich Mattson and the Northstars
(Feb. 5)
Available on Bandcamp

Millions of the Mouthless Dead
(Feb. 8)
Available on Bandcamp

Monthly Grovel: February 2021

(Enter the amount of your choice.)

What kind of events happen in the Duluth area during a pandemic? Well, a rutabaga giveaway, virtual boat show, online winter biking workshop and the occasional ice bar, for just a few examples.

As the masked, online and distanced events drag on, the PDD Calendar continues to catalog the options. Each month we reach out with one beggarly blog post to remind everyone that human beings and not machines are at work editing and publishing calendar events. So if you appreciate it, drop a few bucks in the PayPal account.