Paul Lundgren Posts

Ian Gillan Band – “Clear Air Turbulence”

“Get in to Duluth!”

Thanks to Dan for the hot tip, related to the “Songs with Duluth in the lyrics or title” post.

Have we no modesty?


The Garrison Keiller in me thinks it should be “The Above Average Seal of the State of Minnesota.”

Please be seated. Your server will be with you in about five hours.

Surely some of you noticed PDD was down for several hours today. It was the fifth time we’ve had problems with our server in the past two months, so naturally we’ll be taking our business elsewhere very soon.

We hope you won’t take your blogging elsewhere while these difficulties are sorted out.

Duluth Songs: A list of songs with “Duluth” in the lyrics or title

This post was launched in 2009 and the list of Duluth songs continues to expand as new ones are reported. In mid-2018 the gradual process was begun of including links to posts with audio (and video if available) of the songs.

Look at this kitchen table filled with fabulous prizes

prizes985371 Congratulations to Mary on her victory in the Whacko Yard Art Photo Scavenger Hunt. As promised, Mary will recieve a Geek Prom T-shirt and Space Patrol walkie talkies. I’m also throwing in a used copy of Cinderella’s 1988 hit album Long Cold Winter, since the contest ended on the first day of spring.

It’s a battle of dinosaurs

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The Whacko Yard Art Photo Scanvenger Hunt is over and the finalists are Mary and Mark. (Sorry, Barrett, but you missed the deadline. Those rules are there for a reason, mister.)

I said I’d allow comments to sway my decision, so those with a strong opinion on who should win have until … oh, let’s say noon … to make their voices heard. After lunch I’ll return from my chambers with a decision.

Petus Rockus


Petus Rockus. This rock was found in Keene Creek, left here by the Wisconsin Glacier 23,648 years ago. Placed on this stand May 1985 by Ken Seehus.

Wacko Yard-art Photo Scavenger Hunt


While running errands today I came across this lovely piece of yard art. I’m posting it as a challenge, because I know you can do better. And because a piddly blizzard like today’s is no excuse to stay inside.

Announcing the PDD Wacko Yard-art Photo Scavenger Hunt

You have until 10 p.m. next Thursday, March 19, to post the most awesome yard art photo on this Web site.

Not exactly Bigfoot prints, but …


This trail struck me a little strange.  I’m referring to the roughly 20-inch-wide path that’s been cleared in the middle. As if tracking some strange beast, I’m trying to figure out what cleared that path.

How to enter the inaugural Homegrown Music Video Festival

homegrownchickenThis year’s Homegrown Music Festival will feature a night of locally produced music videos using songs by local bands.

If you are interesting in creating a video for the festival, there are some things you should know.

What’s up at the Red Lion?

zeitgeist489357The Zinema will open in June, according to this Business North article.

Duluthians, how are you liking the fancy DTV so far?

WDIO dropped its analog signal and went fully digital last night. Folks with digital televisions (or with converter boxes) have to rescan channels in order for WDIO to come in. The station will not be at full power until Feb. 20. In the meantime, don’t break your rabbit ears.

St. David’s Day Open Reading

slps09stdavid2St. David’s Day Open Reading
on St. Valentine’s Day

Saturday, Feb. 14 | 7:30 p.m.
Somers Lounge, College of St. Scholastica

Come read an original poem, or one written by someone else. Limit three minutes per reader.

Click here for more info and to become a fan of the Spirit Lake Poetry Series on Facebook.

Good luck, Bill

Minnesota’s own Bill Pine is applying for the Best Job in the World.

By the way, ABC TV’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is casting for Minnesota families. You can nominate someone here, or e-mail castingduluth @ Deadline is Friday the 13th, so it’s now or never.

From the Photo Archive | Metallica in Duluth, 1989


June 8, 1989: Metallica played its first Duluth show at the DECC as part of the …And Justice For All tour.