Paul Lundgren Posts

Last call on the $100 drawing

PDDMarketingWeasel89457Perfect Duluth Day’s readership survey will end at 8 p.m. Tuesday, when the election polls close.

If you haven’t already surrendered your private information in order to be eligable to win the drawing, you have until then. Click here for a chance to win $100 from PDD.

The drawing will be held Wednesday morning, and the winner will be announced in the comments of the original post, which is linked above.



Gutter Politics


I cleaned the gutters on my house today and found, among the clumps of various yard waste, a flier for a school board candidate forum and a slice of bologna slathered in mustard.

Trick or treat?

Blue Law Blues

According to estimates by the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, Minnesota could raise $10 million in tax revenues simply by allowing liquor stores to sell on Sundays.

Read this brief story from Saint Paul Legal Ledger Capitol Report for more info.

But the real reason to allow liquor stores to sell on Sundays is because it’s stupid not to, right?

How to find a masculine Halloween costume for your effeminate son

How To Find A Masculine Halloween Costume For Your Effeminate Son

Regarding Rod Raymond

Rod Raymond is a fitness instructor at the University of Minnesota Duluth. He was investigated by UMD administrators this past summer and reprimanded for sexually harassing students. The issue became the hot topic in town last week when the Duluth News Tribune reported on it.

A post was made on this Web site last week regarding the issue, and a lot of people weighed in with comments. The person who made the post ultimately grew uncomfortable with it and decided to change the post and remove all the comments, except one.

Since then, PDD administrators have opted to not approve two other posts about the issue — one that didn’t seem to make any sense, and another that was purely mean spirited. A third post was automatically published, but was later removed because it was considered to be in poor taste.

This is a sensitive issue, but it’s also an important one. It is not the intention of PDD’s administrators to shut down all commentary about this. On the contrary, we encourage you to add your comments to this post. If you feel Mr. Raymond’s punishment was too light or that he was unfairly judged, by all means say so.

Just keep it productive, please. Don’t go all batshit loonball.

Honkers get together on Facebook

Surely this will come as no surprise, but there’s now a Facebook page for the Honking House.

How are you liking the Lakewalk extension?


I didn’t get around to checking it out until yesterday, but I must say the new Lakewalk extension to 47th Avenue East is fantastic. Call it reason #1,327 to love Duluth.

My only complaint: What’s the deal with the annoying chain-link fence that runs the entire stretch? I suppose it’s to prevent toddlers from crawling in front of a train, but can’t we sacrifice a few kids for the sake of aesthetics?

Minnesota Supreme Court: Bong water is a controlled substance

In a split decision today, the Minnesota Supreme Court said possession of 25 grams or more of bong water that tests positive for a controlled substance can be prosecuted as a first-degree drug crime.

Denfeld vs. Central: Bookends to a Rivalry


Duluth Denfeld played Duluth Central tonight in high school football for what will very likely be the last time. Denfeld won 20-6 in front of a crowd of maybe 500 at Public Schools Stadium.

You could win $100! Just feed the PDD marketing weasel by taking a privacy-invading survey.

PDDMarketingWeasel89457Seriously. Perfect Duluth Day is going to give away $100 to one randomly drawn survey participant. Isn’t that awesome enough to make you want to answer a bunch of personal questions without feeling any reservations or contempt?

Good. Then click this link:

Why have PDD’s powers-that-be ignored their natural Minnesota Lutheran shame and commenced prodding you to disclose information that is none of their business? Because that’s how the vicious gears of capitalism work, you silly goose.

We all got bills to pay, yo.

This survey will gather information that PDD’s marketing weasel can use to show other marketing weasels how this Web site is an ideal place to advertise certain products and services.

Rest assured, the intentions of this survey are entirely money-grabbing in nature, just as the rationale of participating in it should be. There are no plans to streamline content on PDD, based on survey results, in order to produce a highly targeted product that is perfectly tailored to your distinct demographic. PDD wouldn’t stoop that low. This is just about selling more of those little squares on the right of the page.

Your info won’t be shared with anyone, and you won’t be put on any spam list or further bothered in any way. It is Perfect Duluth Day’s policy to be as upfront and forthright as possible while taking advantage of you.

Thanks, and good luck.

PDD Contest: Guess how many razor blades are hidden in this apple


Be the first to guess the exact number of razor blades hidden in the apple pictured above to win two spots on the guest list for Evil Dead: The Musical. One guess per person, please. Make your guess in the comments to this post.

Mark Mallman returning to Duluth

He’ll be playing Pizza Luce on Nov. 13. (Show canceled.) Here’s his new video, “White Leather Days.”

Cover story on Mark Mallman from Sept. 1 City Pages

Eeeeeck! Crazy moose loose in the hoose!


This must be the spot where mice are inviting themselves into my home. What I don’t understand is: Why rip the siding apart? That’s got to be hard work for mice, and it’s totally unnecessary. I mean, hell, six mice at a time could enter side by side now. If they make the entry much bigger a cat will be able to go in there after them.

Anyway, finding a little black mouse doing laps in the basement sink is a fun way to start the day, isn’t it?

Make me feel better by commenting about infestations you’ve experienced and your innovative and hopefully humane ideas for termanting the lives of the little bastards.

(I’m not including any photos of the mouse or details about how it was executed, because I want you to like me.)

Circles of Giving – Donate your stuff and shop for free stuff

The next Circles of Giving event is Saturday, Oct. 24, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Valley Youth Center in West Duluth. It’s a recycling-minded shopping event where everything is free.

If you’ve got something useful you want to get rid of, someone will actually come to your home and pick it up for the purpose of giving it to someone who wants it. (Although it would obviously be easier for the organizers if you drop it off).