kerc Posts

Global Work Day … a kid-friendly option

A friend is organizing a global work party.

Sunday, 10.10.10 (10am-noon)

Bring your children so we can teach them to care for the Earth! Please bring own garbage bags. We’ll meet at the Tot Lot, disseminate (perhaps farther down the beach), and then meet back for a photo. Hope to see you there!

Do you need a bag for that?

My dog happens to be the least alpha dog there is. He barks rarely. In fact when I got him from Animal Allies I wondered if he had been de-barked because he didn’t bark for 3 days. This morning he barked at something out the front door window.

I went over to look, thinking it could be a delivery person or something. Turns out it is someone who let their dog poop in my front yard and then was walking away from it, not picking it up. I turned on my Minnesota, passive aggressive self, “Excuse me do you need a bag or shovel to help pick that up? I’ve got a trash can right here you can put it in.” (point to trowel and trashcan literally feet from where she is).

Reminder dog owners: pick it up. If you happen to come by my house, feel free to use the doggie trash can perched in the front yard. That’s what it is there for.

Creepy Crawlies


Hundreds of these guys are gobbling up the leaves on our boulevard tree. Help! Do we spray? Do we put our heads between our knees and wait for the Russian bomb?

What are they and what should we do?

Memorial Day, the real deal.

I spent the holiday getting my tires/tie rods/alignment replaced/done. If that doesn’t say holiday, I don’t know what does. It was hours upon hours at the service center, me without my laptop and not much to do.

Guy comes in with a combat wounded plate. Service shop is finishing up his transaction and employee says, “Thanks for your service, were you in Nam?”

Turns out he was. Turns out the customer service guy was as well. They talk about locations/dates and it turns out that it is highly possible the guy selling tires once upon a time flew the customer in a helicopter someplace over the jungle in Vietnam. Wow, they can’t make this up. Pair of them tell a few stories, shake hands. Thank each other for their service.

A 20-something woman waiting in line behind the Vietnam vet is waiting less than patiently. Vet leaves. Woman says something like, “What’s all the fuss?”

Just another day at the auto repair shop.

Where can I buy a blender part locally?

We need a new rubber seal for the blender – you know the “o” that goes between the jar and the blade.

The original one got caught in the blade and was destroyed. Shortly after that happened, Big E did a little surgery on something purchased at Marshall Hardware and managed to cobble together something that works semi-decent. The rubber has gotten hard and it no longer seals well, I’d like to get a bona fide blender part.

I can order online for 4 bucks for the part + at least that much in shipping. I’m in search of a local place to buy one of those o-ring rubber seals for a blender.

Reader’s View

Back in January 1997 I witnessed an unidentified flying object. It was very thrilling and exciting. I’ll never forget it.

One more reason why I love Duluth, or the berries are ripe!

Saturday evening, a fabulous time to head over to Brighton Beach. A few other families thought so as well. We get out of the car and basically have to navigate our way over a few raspberry bushes to get to the beach. This being Duluth, they were still full of berries. They are no longer, so no need to consult there in your berry quest.

berry picking