Justin Posts

Recommendations on short-term accommodations in Duluth

Perhaps someone can provide a bit of advice on short-term accommodations in our fair city. I’m currently in the process of finishing my thesis and am being seriously handicapped by my roommate situation. There’s no hard feelings, but the scale of work I’ve left to accomplish is simply too grand and requires an environment where I can devote some serious attention to my work. Of course, being a student, money remains a sizable obstacle. I can afford $375 for a month, but finding such a short-term lease has proven impossible. As such, I was wondering if you fine folks would happen to have any creative thoughts on the matter. I am open to just about any solutions.

I appreciate the consideration and a very happy Homegrown to everybody!

Stolen Bicycle: Park Point Break-ins

Hello fellow Duluthians. ‘Tis a sad day on Park Point. It appears another round of robberies has occurred. I had a bicycle stolen out of my garage last night. Pretty ballsy I must say, the thing didn’t even have flat pedals so I am surprised they were able to get off with it. Anywho, if you happen to spot a red Masi Randonneur with a leather saddle, front racks and goofy swept leather handlebars around town, please be so kind as to shoot me a message.

Cash reward for any info, and on account of being a bicycle mechanic, free tuneups for a lifetime!

Justin 218-310-7961

Game of Thrones Season 3 Premier

Where can a person go to watch the premier of the new season? Any bars in the Twin Ports with HBO? It’d be great if Zinema 2 could pick this up and have weekly screenings!