JP Rennquist Posts

Christine Hoberg at SXSW with Spin Magazine

Christine Hoberg, a singer-songwriter with ties to Duluth-Superior, is looking for people to download a song from Spin/ and nominate her to perform at the annual South by Southwest Music Festival in Austin, TX. Christine is entering the contest from New York City, her current hometown. If she is the winner of her city then she will go on to compete against the winning artists from Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle (I know, I know, weird how they left the musical hotbed of Duluth off of that list).

The easiest way to do this is to click this link to Facebook and follow the directions, and yes you do (apparently) need to do this via facebook although you can listen to Christine’s music a number of places online her website, is a good jumping off place.

As of this writing, Christine is currently in the lead for her New York City. Being her “real” hometown, let’s push her over the top and keep her there.

Duluth Does the Bumpers? Thrift Store Adventures

Last week I saw this album at a thrift store in Hinckley for 50 cents and I didn’t want to have to explain to Mrs. Goose why I bought it so I ended up walking away, despite the bargain. But given Duluth’s various brushes with rubber ball fame (or infamy) I figured maybe someone else might want to stop by and grab it.

I would also like to put this one in the hat for the next Duluth Does album. I would just love to hear Sarah Softich, the Boomchucks and even that Danecdote kid take a swing at some of these tracks. Here’s the title cut:

The Bumpers – Bump Ball Dance

Cravaack to Hold Town Hall Meeting in Duluth, After All

Via MPR News Polinaut blog and MPR’s Dan Kraker…

Amid mounting pressure, 8th District GOP congressman Chip Cravaack has announced he will hold an open town hall meeting at 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the Duluth airport.

Manifest Destiny Yard Sale — Final Day

We’re headed out west, to Rapid City and surrounds to visit family and see whatever the 2011 Sturgis Rally visitors left behind. To fund this trip we have mounted a massive 4-day yard sale combining the items of Mrs. Goose, the Goslings and my Mother Goose (in-law).

What does that mean for you? Pure gold, folks. Witness this mash-up of schlock here:

Michael Bolton and this rare, near mint VHS of Sheena Easton’s so-bad-it’s-good 1983 TV Special “Act One.” you get them both for a dollar. One greenback, people.

R.I.P. Lester Park Elementary

A few snapshots from today’s demolition. I’m not sure how far they got, I could only stay about 15 minutes.


Who is on Google Plus?

For such a wee little place, it seems like Duluth has a pretty large footprint. Your thoughts? Comments?

I’ve been enjoying it, but it is definitely a very tech heavy crowd that I’ve seen so far (for obvious reasons, who else would you want to beta test something?). But I’m always game for connecting more with liberal arts, socks-with-sandals, bumper-sticker activist types.

When in Duluth? Downtown Waterfront Interim Report

I was trying to find an old photograph last week and I did not find what I was looking for but I did find something that only a history nerd, Duluth loving, public space adoring, Lake Superior worshiping kid like me would appreciate. So naturally I am posting images here as best I can.

Several images after the jump, so you might not want to try this over dial up or on your smartphone, and if anyone knows how to ge the full image in a downloadable PDF or another handier document type, knock yourself out. I’d love that.

Homegirl Justy Dodge Makin’ ’em Smile in the Big Apple

Justy Dodge Photograph: Jakob N. Layman

Mrs. Goose’ close pal Justy Dodge has the Joke of the Week on Time Out New York. Who knows? Maybe the right person will crack a smile and who knows where that could lead in a city that has launched the careers of 10,000 entertainment icons?

Where in Duluth 1890?

File:Duluth MN Panorama circa 1890s.jpg
TITLE: Duluth, Minn. CALL NUMBER: PAN US GEOG – Minnesota no. 8 RIGHTS INFORMATION: No known restrictions on publication.
MEDIUM: 1 photographic print : albumen ; 4.5 x 41 in. CREATED/PUBLISHED: [between 1886 and 1905]
RELATED NAMES: Newton, George A., photographer.

This may have been posted before but I don’t remember seeing it. I found it on one of my new favorite sites, Wikimedia Commons. Click the image to go directly to the page, you should be able to enhance it there as well.

I believe this picture was taken close to my current domicile but I can’t exactly say. Could anyone else tell where it appears to radiate from? I’d also love to see one of you photoshop wizards try overlaying modern images so I can compare side by side, but that’s asking a lot on a rare warm summer day, I know.

F*** You, Philip Morris

I just watched this powerful video about a Duluth woman still reeling 10 years on from the death of her young mother to lung cancer. The video was a project created by our friend Amy Berg Louhela for her MFA in photography. Duluthophiles will recognize some of the scenery and maybe even some of the faces. The music is … perfect. I hope they don’t disable the track, but they might, so better listen in now while you can.

Amy is collecting comments for her project so here’s a direct link you can use if you wish to help her that way.

Tarryl Clark Moving to Duluth to Take on Cravaack

I had been wanting to see if we could have a somewhat level-headed informed and nuanced discussion on the challenger pool for Chip Cravaack in MN 8th Congressional District. I figured I’d wait until after the homegrown fog burned off to post anything, but this morning the Duluth News Tribune has a bombshell from John Lundy saying Tarryl Clark is running for the seat. Was that a bombshell for anyone else besides me?

Before I knew about Clark’s bid, I wanted to talk about other un-announced candidates. In addition to Daniel Fanning and Jeff Anderson who appear to be in Pawlenty mode, that is, campaigning-but-not-campaigning not officially in other words. Here are the people who are not campaigning but that I think might make the race interesting: Tom Rukavina, Tom Bakk and Don Ness (Donny says he doesn’t want the job and that is fine with me, I’d like to keep him as mayor for a term or 3 more). The DNT identifies a few other candidates in the article that I did not know were considering a run, including Yvonne Prettner Solon, but most of them I don’t know so I can’t comment (but you can).

So we’ve already got a half dozen “local” candidates mulling a run and then Clark rolls in from St. Cloud and changes the entire chemistry of the race. Or does she? Banter away PDDers but please save the frothy mouthed passion for the Troll Zone thread. I’m looking for thoughts and analysis here, not bile. Thanks.

Update: I discovered that MN Brown Iron Range writer/college instructor Aaron Brown, already wrote about this a couple of months ago, including the possible Clark bid.

Also, I forgot to add Karen Diver, Chairwoman and CEO of the Fond du Lac Band to my potential candidates list. She has a great deal to recommend herself for the position and to me, she’s actually the most interesting potential candidate, although I have no idea if she or anyone else besides Tarryl Clark is actually gonna run.

Update 6/14/11

“I filed today my paperwork to seek the office of the presidency of the United States today and I very soon will be making my formal announcement.”

Michele Bachmann last night on CNN one of her classic headline stealing moves that has to have Tim Pawlenty’s stomach all tied up in knots today. But this means that Bachmann can not run for her 6th District seat and president at the same time.

So Today MinnPost is asking the same thing I want to know: Does this mean Tarryl Clark will give up her bid for the 8th District so she can run for an open seat in the 6th? She recieved 38% of the vote there vs. Bachmann’s 52% in 2010 according to those geniuses at wikipedia

UMD Heritage Orchard a Contestant in Edy’s Fruit Bar Contest

I had a chance to take a pack of kids out to a working orchard near Wrenshall, MN (pictured above) and it was just a fantastic experience, I’d never seen anything like it before, except in books. There used to be groves like this, and “wild” groves used by people and critters for sustenance all around our region, but there aren’t many left anymore according to the experts at UMD.

Imagine an apple production and consumption culture within a thriving orchardist community, small orchards dotting the landscape, filled with heritage varieties locally adapted to our region. This was the reality of the area around Duluth, Minn., during the first half of the 20th century. But the advent of the industrial food system divested this community of its heritage, although those abandoned orchards beckon our call back to a more sustainable way of life.

Last fall, I read about a new orchard coming in near 6th Ave E in Duluth’s Hillside. Today I found out about this chance to win an orchard for the Duluth Area from Edy’s Fruit Bars. Here’s a link to sign in and vote, vote early and often.

As of today Duluth was placed 3rd in the nation: Not too shabby. Hopefully if people can stay on this we can come out on top. Almost forgot: Duluth community members and organizations will get the fruit. If this is successful expect a surge in NICE homegrown Duluth pies & cobblers in the next 5-10-15 years.

Where in Duluth? The video.

This is an actual “Where in Duluth?” since I cannot tell exactly where it is. I have a couple of guesses but the PDD brain trust will know for sure, and I’m hoping you’ll have a little color or perspective to add, too.

Chief Buffalo, Point of Rocks and “The Mayor of Duluth”

I was reading this month’s new FDL Band Newspaper (PDF) and about halfway through I found a breezy little history piece on Chief Buffalo: Hero of the Lake Superior Ojibwe by historian Christine Carlson. The article was already interesting, then I notice mention of Duluth’s Point of Rocks which has been discussed extensively here on PDD. It sounds like the area surrounding Point of Rocks was selected by Chief Buffalo as part of one of the articles of the Treaty of 1854. The area would have also included Wisconsin Point and much of what is now considered Downtown Duluth and West End/Lincoln Park.

Duluth: The Real Hockey Town USA?

This will only be of interest to the biggest Duluth-o-philes, Twitter nerds (like me) and possibly hockey fanatics.

Last night for about 10-15 minutes Duluth East was trending on Twitter in the United States. This means that there was an enormous amount of “chatter” about Duluth East’s victory over Edina in the MN State High School League AA Hockey Semi-Finals.