jordan Posts

New Two Beat Band record

My part-time Duluth group, Two Beat Band, has a new EP out today. Stream the whole thing online, or download the tunes and album art for $5. Also, we’ll be playing the Saturday of Homegrown at Pizza Luce before Southwire and Cars & Trucks. I hope you like it. –Jordan Taylor

Sarah Krueger’s E.P. Release this Saturday!

Perhaps you’ve heard Sarah singing around town for the past few years.  She is releasing her first E.P. this Saturday at Teatro Zuccone.

You can also catch her performing a few songs tomorrow (Thursday) on KUMD at 2 p.m.  The disc is also available on sale at the Electric Fetus, where Sarah is the featured local musician for the month of July.


A Night in the Box, Two Beat Band, Sneaky Pete Bauer at Pizza Luce

If you haven’t seen A Night in the Box or Sneaky Pete yet, well, you should.  My mom and grandparents all like my band too, so there’s that.

This Thursday, June 17, at 10 p.m. | $5