jessige Posts

Lodging needed for trail-care crew

A friend asked me to share this. If anyone’s got a space, please contact these folks directly.

Cyclists of Gitchee Gumee Shores – COGGS
This week the IMBA Trail Care Crew is in town. Our lodging for them just became unavailable, so we are looking for help. The Crew consists of two people who need a large bed and their own space (i.e. not a room in a house with other people.

Good options would be:

– house
– apartment
– cabin
– donated hotel room

If anyone has a lead on something today — July 16 — please e=mail Waylon at [email protected] and let him know. Thanks!

Duluth librarian/author on Slate

Article on, part of a series on camp. Shout out to Paul Roen, Duluth librarian, for his book High Camp.

Postcards from Camp, Entry 9

Divine Intervention?

Whoa. Simonson’s got angels in the outfield.

[Photo from the DNT, on the front online page today (9/22/12). Originally from his campaign announcement day, I believe, but I can’t find that article without paying for it.]

Little Free Library in the Twin Ports?

Someone asked on Twitter today if there are any Little Free Libraries in the Twin Ports. So, are there any around?

(While reading the blog, I noticed that Claire wrote an article for Publishers Weekly on the movement … maybe you might know?)

Filling a backyard pool

We just bought a backyard inflatable swimming pool. My husband insists there’s a better way to fill it with 1,000 gallons of water than the garden hose.

From what I can calculate, it’d cost us about $100 to fill it that way. Can anyone weigh in? Any better ideas?

Chain restaurants are fun: Leeann Chin and other Duluth restaurant gossip

So, Leeann Chin is recruiting for employees in Duluth on Craigslist. Where’s that going to go?

And whatever happened to Noodles & Co. coming to the mall?

The Next New Thing

Am I the only one who has this feeling that Duluth might be the next new thing?

First we have Trampled on Letterman, and then on CNN. Now Tycoons is making the NYT’s restaurant section. We’re slowly getting bigger and better quirky acts to Bayfront (oh, Steve Martin, how I love thee). And I feel like I’m missing some other stuff.

Are we really on the road to becoming TwinPortlandia?

Upset Duluth, May 2012 Edition

May I humbly nominate this photo of Ms. Sramek, featured in today’s DNT.

Related posts:
Upset Duluth
Upset Duluth: In case you missed it
Upset Duluth (Continued)
Upset Duluth?

April 14: Another Perfect Duluth Day

Seems like a couple times a year we get one of these, but rarely in April.

I played some sidewalk tic-tac-toe, cleaned up the garden from last year, painted a couple chairs, and took a walk on the beach. I wore flip-flops and sunglasses and took deep breaths of the south wind.

What did you do on this edition of the Perfect Duluth Day?

Home Sweet Home

I just got back from Canal Park, where it was too darn cold and too darn wet to take any photos of the waves crashing over the breakwater, or of the chunks of ice in the spray flying at our heads.

My three year old, who according to Garrison Keillor is truly a Duluthian, loved every minute of the wind whipping, the slush slushing and the hoots and hollers emitted by her non-Duluthian transplant parents. I was reminded of another night on the Lakewalk, six or seven months ago, when we walked with this same girl on a beautiful summer night and watched the full moon create sparkles on the lake. (Oddly, there was no ice flying at us–must have been the direction of the wind.) I remember thinking to myself that my family and I were so blessed to live in this city. And I felt that way again today, as we watched the Big Lake crash: We are so blessed to call this beautiful place home. And home it has become–Keillorian and unwritten codes of citizenship notwithstanding.

So, I ask you, transplants (and homers, if you like)–when did you know that Duluth was home?

Wii Repair

So, about 15 seconds after I bought my daughter a new Wii game for Christmas, the console died. I’ve been looking all over Google for anyone in town who can fix it, so that I don’t have to send it to Nintendo’s repair center in CA.

I found one place in MSP that I can ship it to, but I’d much rather go local. Best Buy, etc, can’t do it. Anybody know someone who can?

Alternative News Source

Frak the DNT — I’m getting my news from The Beacon from here on out.

What This Town Needs Is A Really Shitty Community Newspaper

Missing Dog in Lakeside

Our dog escaped this morning in the area of 43rd and Superior St.  He has a red collar with no tags (yeah, yeah, I know) and his name is Buddy.  He’s very friendly and very sweet.  Short and fat like a basset.

If you see him, please call us at 5two5-three9three0. Thanks.

Junk hunter

Are there really no flea markets in Duluth?

Yeehaw and Yahoo!

Yahoo! thinks we’re pretty.

Stop: Duluth’s four-mile lakeside sports path shows off the city highlights: a rose garden, pre-Prohibition brewery, an aerial bridge, and the largest grain elevators in the world.