Funkenschutz Posts

Family Fun Day to Help Save the Skating Rink at Lower Chester Bowl

On Saturday, Sept. 25, at 2:30 p.m., all neighbors are invited to gather at the Lower Chester Park Rink on East 15th Avenue between Fifth and Sixth Street. This is a pot luck event with games, balloon animals, a magician, and other silliness.

There is a serious side to this event, too. The rink and warming house at Lower Chester Park are in danger of being torn down — and soon. They are still in good repair, and it would be a shame to see this facility continue to go to waste. The facility has been under-utilized for several years due largely to lack of consistent hours, no Zamboni, no easy way to flood the rink, etc.

The goal of this gathering on Saturday afternoon, aside from having some good-ol’-fashioned family fun, is to mobilize a neighborhood-wide grass-roots effort to keep this rink alive. We’d love to fill the rink on Saturday afternoon with as many neighbors as possible (from BOTH sides of the creek!). College students, high school students, and families with young children are especially encouraged to attend.

Utensils, plates, bowls and cups will be provided. Bring lawn chairs, beverages, anything with wheels (human-powered), and lots of enthusiasm. Folks with questions should contact Mabel Galvin at 724-7667, or Bev Bertnson at 724-6126.

Lost dog needs help finding her humans

On Sunday, October 12, I took off from my backyard in the lower Chester park neighborhood. It’s too damn cold now, and I need help finding my humans. I am an adult female (spayed) Springer Spaniel, mostly brown with some white on my paws and face. I was last seen either above or below E. 8th Street, east of Chester Creek.  I would like to go back to my humans, Nick and Echo, as long as they promise to take me on long walks each day and feed me bacon grease. Please call them at (218) 213-7817.

P.S. My human is either too much of an idiot, or not worthy enough, to post a photo of me.

Foreign exchange student host family needed

I was contacted by a very nice Brazilian girl named Mariana who wants to continue her high school education here in Duluth for 2009-2010 school year. She was an exchange student at Mesabi East last year, and did very well. Unfortunately, the visa she was on last year expired and cannot be renewed. She can come back on a different visa to attend a SEVIS-qualified high school (i.e. Marshall or any Duluth Public School), but she needs a host family. A stipend for the host family is part of the deal. If you can help, or know someone who can, please contact me by e-mail: nbs @, or phone 625-8765. Thanks very much!