emmadogs Posts

Ten things a perfect city needs

A hipster economy and celebrities misbehaving in public are also essential for the ideal city.Except for ethnic diversity, I think Duluth makes the cut:

The Guardian: The 10 things a perfect city needs

Duluth one of the happiest areas in U.S.

Looking at this map, from the article linked below, it appears that Duluth is, statistically, one of the happiest cities in the United States. I completely agree with that assessment. Charlottesville may be the official “happiest region,” but you could easily substitute “Duluth” for “Charlottesville” and have an accurate description of why our city is such a great place to live in.

Richmond is America’s most contented area – with New York its unhappiest

Happiness is a place called Charlottesville, Virginia

Spring Fever in Duluth

Recommendations for Ice Dam Removal

We have a huge, nasty ice dam on our roof. Has anyone used a removal team that was good or that ruined your roof?

R.I.P. Philip Seymour Hoffman

He was, by far, our best actor working. I am so saddened by the loss.

Philip Seymour Hoffman found dead in NYC Apartment

More thoughts on Duluth neighborhoods

All of the recent postings have reignited my interest in our city’s neighborhoods. Their unique aspects are really interesting. And there are so many things I still don’t know, even after living here for 20+ years.

Duluth/Superior in the New York Times

Twinned cities now following different paths

Electrician Recommendation?

At the risk of incurring Herzog’s ire regarding boring posts (as recently and memorably recorded in ‘The Current’ recent posting), can anyone recommend a good electrician, or steer me away from a bad one?

P.S. Herzog, I will try harder next time to not be boring, I promise. I just don’t want my house to burn down with faulty wiring, etc.

I think I got a Boy Scout in trouble

I was at Super One in Kenwood last week, and a local Boy Scout troupe was bagging groceries. I didn’t want to give them a hard time, but I am opposed to the organization’s stand on gay rights, and so I finally said to the Scout Master adult, “Look, I’m not going to give you any money because of your stand on gay rights,” and offered to bag my own groceries (nicely, I hope). The Boy Scouts both proceeded to bag my groceries. I thanked them and said, “When your organization’s stand on gay rights changes, I’ll give you all the money I have.” Whereupon one of the young Scouts told me, “Well, actually, there is a movement at Minnesota State Scout Headquarters to change the State Scout charter in support of gay rights,” etc., and this kid looked totally excited about it! Then his Scout Master comes up and starts running his hand under the young man’s uniform collar, as if to shut him up, in a vaguely threatening manner.

Anyway, I profusely thanked this (very brave for incurring his Scout Master’s wrath) young man for the information, and I told him I certainly hope Minnesota Scouts does change its position.

I haven’t researched this yet, as I then went home and got extremely sick, so if anyone knows about it, please let me know. And thank you, brave Boy Scout, for the information!

Porch repair recommendations

We have a shaker porch that is deteriorating. We want to repair it so that it continues to look original to the house (built in 1927). It looks to be a bigger project than the handymen we use can tackle. Any recommendations?